MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July All LABs Latest

Question # 00828538 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 07/30/2022 09:09 PM Due on: 07/31/2022
Subject Statistics Topic General Statistics Tutorials:
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SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


Using the scenario and data attached please enter this data into Jamovi. Be sure to define the variables and code the data as you were shown in the lab. After completing the data entry, please provide the outputs for each of the following analyses.  To turn in your lab, upload your data file with analyses completed, as well as a word document with the relevant output/charts, copied and pasted.

Before beginning this lab, please review the videos on the Module Resources and Tutorials 2 page.

Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension.

Create a variable called Average Exam Score that is the average of exam scores 1, 2, and 3. Use the compute mean command to do this.

Transform the Motivation Variable into Motivation Groups with 3 groups: Low (1-3) Medium (4-6) High (7-9). Use the layered IF command to do this.

Create a frequency table for the residence variable.

Use the descriptive statistics function to find the mean and standard deviation of the life satisfaction variable split by 2 variables; extra-curricular involvement and Motivation_Groups. Report each mean and standard deviation and provide output.

Find the mean and standard deviation for exam 1, exam 2, exam 3, and average exam scores variables.

Compute histograms with a normal curve (density) for average exam scores and life satisfaction scores.

Create a histogram without a normal curve(density)for exams 1, 2, and 3.

Split the data by the motivation groups variable and find the mean exam score and life satisfaction score for each group as well as the histogram and density for each group.

 Dr. Rose was interested in studying student involvement in extracurricular activities, residence, school motivation scores, life satisfaction scores, and their scores on exams 1, 2, and 3. He found that students were either (0) not involved with extra-curricular activities on campus or (1) involved with extracurricular activities, and either lived (1) on campus, (2) off-campus, or (3) with their parents. Below are data from participants on each of the variables.

Participant          Extra-Curricular     Residence       Motivation          Life Satisfaction Exam 1                 Exam 2 Exam 3

Number               Involvement       

1                                              Yes         On campus                         9              1                              98           94           89

2                                              Yes         Parents                                3              5                              90           78           84

3                                              No          Off Campus                        4              3                              63           68           72

4                                              No          On campus                         5              7                              58           64           72

5                                              Yes         Parents                                2              2                              75           75           75

6                                              No          Parents                                1              6                              86           78           92

7                                              No          Off campus                         9              10                           66           62           74

8                                              No          On Campus                         8              9                              90           80           90

9                                              Yes         On Campus                         7              9                              99           90           87

10                                           Yes         On Campus                         5              8                              85           88           82

11                                           Yes         Parents                                5              5                              71           81           55

12                                           No          Parents                                2              4                              62           76           80

13                                           No          Off Campus                        4              7                              81           75           90

14                                           Yes         On Campus                         3              2                              67           72           61

15                                           No          On Campus                         8              1                              90           78           84



This lab will utilize Jamovi, to review the resources linked in your Course Resources to get started with Jamovi. Please reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns.

You may find it best to download the software for Jamovi directly to your device for free if you wish. This can be done through the Jamovi webpage.


SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


Company X has provided data from 105 employees. This company has provided you with a generic identification number, the employee’s salary (listed in thousands of dollars), their gender, and scores on a 10 question sexual harassment test from before and after their training. Using this data CompanyXData.omv  Download CompanyXData.omv, please answer the questions below and provide your Jamovi file with analyses completed.  Be sure to open the Jamovi software FIRST and then open the file within the Jamovi software. 

Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 4 before completing this assignment.

Please Note:

All data sets and/or resources needed for this lab are linked at the bottom of the page.

Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document. 

Part 1

If the average salary in New York, NY is $200,000.00, do the employees at Company X make a significantly different amount than the rest of New York workers?

Write your results in APA style.

Include the effect size for this test and report it.

 Part 2

Do men and women at Company X differ significantly in the amount of money that they make?

Write your results in APA style.

Include the effect size for this test and report it.

 Part 3

Was the training effective in increasing knowledge about sexual harassment?

Write your results in APA style.

Include the effect size for this test and report it.


SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document.

Dr. Love is interested in the difference between people with different styles of love (eros, ludic, storge) and the number of romantic partners that they have had in their lifetime.

Use analysis of variance to test if the type of love style influences the number of romantic partners someone has.

If there is a significant difference, use a post hoc test to explain them.

Write all of the results in APA style.

 Dr. Love is interested if there are differences between genders and the number of partners, love style and the number of partners, and the interaction between gender and love style and the number of partners.

Using a FACTORIAL ANOVA, test for differences between genders, love style, the interaction between the two on the number of partners each participant has had.

If these results are significant please interpret them, using post hoc analyses when possible.

Report results in APA style.

 Use the Love Styles Data Set for these problems

 Dr. Nancy wants to know how effective the therapy is at St. Maximus inpatient facility. Specifically, she wants to test if (regardless of the therapist) the patient's depression symptoms change from therapy session one, therapy session two, and therapy session three.

Use a repeated-measures analysis of variance to test if there is a significant difference in depression symptoms across the 3 times.

If there is a significant difference, use Post hoc tests to explain them.

Write all of the results in APA style.

 Dr. Nancy wants to know how effective the therapy is at St. Maximus inpatient facility. Specifically, she wants to test if the patient’s depression symptoms change from therapy session one, therapy session two, and therapy session three, if the therapist has an influence on depression scores, and if there is an interaction between the therapy session times and therapist on depression scores.

Using a FACTORIAL ANOVA, test for differences in depression scores across time and therapists, as well as the interaction between the two.

Describe all main effects and interactions, using post hoc tests and graphs.

Write the results in APA style. Use the Therapist Influence Data Set for these problems.


SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document.

Part 1

Dr. Nadler is interested in the relationship between extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism scores on a personality test.

Calculate a correlation coefficient for these relationships using the Pearson statistic.

Report all significant and non-significant relationships in APA style.

Using the Jamovi Scatr Function, create 3 scattergrams/scatterplots. For each scatterplot, include the grouping variable of Gender.

The first should depict the relationship between extraversion and agreeableness.

The second is between extraversion and neuroticism.

The third is the relationship between agreeableness and neuroticism.

 Use the Personality Data Set for these problems

 Part 2

Dr. Nadler has also created a survey to measure students’ perceived advisor support. He hopes these 14 questions are reliable in measuring students’ perceptions of their advisors.

Test the reliability of this survey using Cronbach’s Alpha.

Interpret the output and tell me if this is a reliable measure based on this test.

If there are items that need to be reverse scored, please complete the reverse scoring and re-run the analysis, and then interpret the output again.

Compute the average perceived advisor support variable

Run a correlation between the average perceived advisor support variable and the variable labeled id and report the results in APA style.

 Use the Perceived Advisor Support Data Set for these problems


SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


For this lab assignment, you will run several regressions using the Depression and Anxiety Data Set for problems A and B and the College Success Data Set for problems C and D. Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 7 before completing this assignment.

Please Note:

All data sets and/or resources needed for this lab are linked at the bottom of the page.

 Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document.

Problem A) Simple Linear Regression

Use each variable (state anxiety, trait anxiety, and curiosity) to predict depression individually.

Note:  you should run 3 different regressions.

Report the results of each regression in APA style and write each regression line.

Problem B) Multiple Linear Regression

Conduct a multiple regression using all 5 variables together (state anxiety, trait anxiety, happiness, anger, curiosity) to predict depression scores.

Report the results in APA style and write the regression line.

Finally, using the multiple regression, create a regression table as was demonstrated in class.

 Problem C) Moderation

Test if the relationship between hours worked per week predicting Current GPA is moderated by Interdependent motives.

Report the results in APA style using appropriate tables and figures as needed.

 Problem D) Mediation

Test if the relationship between perceived fit predicting Current GPA will be mediated by Satisfaction.

Report the results in APA style using appropriate tables and figures as needed.


SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


For your lab this week, you are going to answer the questions below making sure to follow each of the steps as detailed. The folks at a local hospital wanted to understand the community they are serving. As a result, they have collected information from recent patients including gender, relationship status, family history of heart disease, smoking behavior, and diagnosis of cancer or diabetes.  Using the Hospital Data Set.

Before beginning this lab, please review the videos on the Module Resources and Tutorials 8 page.

 Please Note:

All data sets and/or resources needed for this lab are linked at the bottom of the page.

Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document.

Part 1

Test 4 variables (you choose 4) in the data set using the chi-square Goodness of Fit test. Assume an equal chance of all categories for each variable.

Compute are report effect size.

Report all results (significant and non-significant) in APA style.

 Part 2

Using a test of independent/association:

Test if smoking status is independent of gender.

Test is diabetes diagnosis is independent of gender.

Test if cancer diagnosis is independent of relationship type.

Test if gender is independent of relationship type.

Calculate the effect size for each test.

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