MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July Assignments Latest (Full)
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Z-Scores & Percent
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 2 before completing this assignment.
The performance of 20 students on their final exam on statistics in 1992 and for the second class of 20 students in 2017 is shown in the table below.
Scores on statistics final exam, 1992 and 2017
Class of 1992 Class of 2017
80 100
91 99
91 94
80 94
74 94
74 88
73 88
75 81
76 88
73 89
73 80
69 88
67 76
68 75
68 63
68 61
68 53
57 55
58 56
59 82
Use the data to answer the following questions. NOTE: You may need to use the z-score table located in Appendix A of the text (p. 697)
Find the mean and standard deviation for the final exam scores in the two years, 1992 and 2017.
Suppose you scored an 85 on this exam. In which distribution is your test score the farthest above the mean? How far above the mean is your score in both of these distributions?
Admission to a (paid) summer internship program requires that students earn a C or better (70% or higher) on their statistics final exam. If we assume that scores (in both years) on this test are reasonably normally distributed, what percentage of students in 1992 and 2017 would qualify for this internship?
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Mean, Median, Mode, & Skewness
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 2 before completing this assignment.
Find the mean, median, and mode for the following data:
5, 7, 3, 8, 2, 3, 3, 1, 9
104, 139, 145, 150, 167, 205, 205, 20
See Stem and Leaf Plot below:
Stem Leaf
1 0,3,5,5
2 0,1,4,7,7,7,7,8,8,9
3 3,3,5,8,9
4 0,1
5 7,8,8,8,9,9
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Variance & Standard Deviation
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 2 before completing this assignment.
Several studies (Keinan, 2002, for example) have found evidence that belief in magic and luck increased as stress levels increased. The more stressed people were, the more likely they were to engage in magical thinking. Suppose you did your own study examining the relationship between test anxiety and belief in the power of a lucky charm. You ask one group of students to bring their own personal lucky charm to their statistics final exam. Another group is the control group and has to take their statistics exam without any lucky objects present during the test.
Scores on statistics final exam with and without a lucky charm
Without Lucky Charm With Lucky Charm
82 64
95 38
68 100
75 42
70 77
70 100
79 97
79 99
76 95
76 48
Use the data to answer the following questions:
Calculate the mean for each group.
Calculate the standard deviation for each group.
In your opinion, does having a lucky charm result in better performance on the exam? How do the two groups differ? How are they similar?
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Frequency Tables & Grouped Frequency Tables
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 1 before completing this assignment.
In a senior research class, several students decided to see if the perception of the passage of time was influenced by age. They asked volunteers to participate in a time estimation task. Participants were first asked their age. Then, they were told that as soon as a green light flashed on the computer monitor in front of them, they were to begin estimating a 27-second time interval, without counting or using any kind of timing device. As soon as the participant felt that the indicated interval had passed, she or he pressed the space bar on the keyboard. The actual duration of the time interval that had passed was then presented on the monitor, followed by a warning tone and the next trial. The table below shows the mean errors (in milliseconds) made by the participants for each time interval. Positive errors indicate an overestimation of the time interval, and negative errors indicate an underestimation of the time interval. Participants in age group 1 were between 10 and 21 years of age. Participants in age group 2 were over the age of 50.
Time-estimation errors (in milliseconds) by age
ID Age Group Error ID Age Group Error
1 1 9.00 11 2 -3.00
2 1 13.00 12 2 3.00
3 1 13.00 13 2 7.00
4 1 1.00 14 2 4.00
5 1 5.00 15 2 5.00
6 1 -11.00 16 2 5.00
7 1 11.00 17 2 10.00
8 1 1.00 18 2 1.00
9 1 -1.00 19 2 11.00
10 1 -16.00 20 2 14.00
Use the data shown in the table above to Construct TWO grouped frequency distributions, one for each Age Group of Data. You’ll need to determine how big your intervals should be and where they will start). Include relative and cumulative frequency distributions for each age group. Table 2.31 on p. 56 of the text can be used as an example of what to include in a grouped frequency table.
Then, use the data from your grouped frequency distributions to answer the following questions:
What percentage of over-50-year-olds made errors of 5 milliseconds or less?
How many of the participants in age group 1 made underestimations of the time interval?
How many of the over-50-year-olds made underestimations? iv) How many participants (considering both groups) made overestimations?
Now, answer the following question (note, this is not related to the question above). What kind of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) does each of the following represent AND explain your choice?
Age group (infant, toddler, school-age)
Errors (in milliseconds)
Coffee serving size (short, tall, grande, venti, trenta)
Score on the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory (Extroverted/Introverted, Sensing/Intuiting, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving)
Quality of sleep (from 1 [very poor] to 5 [excellent].
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Histograms & Other Graphs
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 1 before completing this assignment.
Students in an introductory psychology course were asked to participate in an experiment examining the relationship between quality of sleep and perceived stress. Each student in the class kept track of the quality of his or her sleep for seven consecutive days using a 5-point scale where 1 indicated very poor quality, 3 indicated average quality, and 5 indicated excellent sleep quality for the previous night. At the end of the week, each student donated a small hair sample consisting of approximately 20 to 30 strands of hair. The level of cortisol in the hair sample was obtained (in nanograms per gram of hair). Higher levels of cortisol indicate higher levels of stress. The table below shows the raw data from the 50 students in the study.
Hair cortisol level (in ng/g) and sleep quality ratings (1-5)
ID Sleep Quality Cortisol ID Sleep Quality Cortisol ID Sleep Quality Cortisol ID Sleep Quality Cortisol
1 3 136 16 4 103 31 3 79 46 1 35
2 3 74 17 4 31 32 2 105 47 5 166
3 3 143 18 4 81 33 3 145 48 5 83
4 4 137 19 4 97 34 1 48 49 1 165
5 1 107 20 2 151 35 1 194 50 2 51
6 2 136 21 3 140 36 2 174
7 1 151 22 4 97 37 2 99
8 1 177 23 4 109 38 2 28
9 5 140 24 3 199 39 4 130
10 3 61 25 3 69 40 4 148
11 2 41 26 4 26 41 5 179
12 5 189 27 1 112 42 5 189
13 2 79 28 3 201 43 3 129
14 2 43 29 2 34 44 2 80
15 2 170 30 2 110 45 1 79
Use the data to answer the following questions:
Create frequency distributions of both the sleep quality and cortisol levels.
Draw a graph showing the distribution of sleep quality in the sample.
Draw a graph showing the distribution of cortisol in the hair sample.
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Data Scales & the Ordinal Data Debate
So, for this assignment, your instructions are to go to your local library or take a look through the Maryville Library databases online (Links to an external site.) and pick out a current issue of a journal in your discipline. You can also search for an article through one of the library's databases; some popular databases are Academic Search Complete, ProQuest, or PsychINFO. When finding a research article, look for these headings: Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Results, and Discussion. AVOID choosing an article with "Systematic Review", "Literature Review", or "Meta-Analysis" in the title since these types of articles are not based on an original study. Also, avoid studies with "Qualitative" in the title since this is a different paradigm of research that does not use statistics.
Read an article that interests you and then, in a paragraph, answers the following questions about that article:
What were the independent and dependent variables in the study you read? [Remember, the independent variable (described in your text), is the variable that is manipulated or that created groups or that we think influences another variable, the dependent variable. The dependent variable is a variable we measure to see the effect of the independent variable].
What were the authors trying to show in their article (In other words, what was the context of the study they are reporting on)?
What was the most important result of the study (Or, what was the authors’ “take-home” message)?
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Probability
In a 1985 study, Breslow (cited in Hand et al., 1994) examined the death rates from coronary heart disease in a set of British male physicians. He also classified the doctors according to whether or not they smoked cigarettes. The table below shows the number of physicians who died from coronary heart disease.
Age, smoking, and heart disease in a sample of male physicians
Age (in years) Nonsmokers Smokers
35-44 2 32
45-54 12 104
55-64 28 206
65-74 28 186
75-84 31 102
Use the data to answer the following questions:
How many doctors were surveyed?
How many of these doctors reported that they smoked? How many reported that they did not smoke?
**What is the probability that a person who died of coronary heart disease was between the ages of 35 and 44? Within this age group (i.e., 34 to 44), what is the probability that the person was a smoker?
**What is the probability that someone who died of coronary heart disease between the ages of 75 and 84 was a smoker?
**At what age range from the table above is smokers the highest proportion of those who died from coronary heart disease? CLEARLY SHOW YOUR WORK ON HOW YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR ANSWER
**Questions C, D, & E were modified from the original questions in the text on p. 315
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Hypothesis Testing/Central-Limit Theorem
In a classic study of human memory, Elizabeth Loftus (1975) asked two groups of subjects to watch a very short film of a traffic accident (the film itself lasts less than a minute, and the accident only a few seconds). In the film, a car runs a stop sign into oncoming traffic, ultimately causing a five-car, chain-reaction accident.
The two groups were then given a questionnaire with 10 questions on it. For each group, only two questions were targets; the rest were just filler. For Group 1, the first target question was “How fast was car A (the car that ran the stop sign) going when it ran the stop sign?” Group 2 was asked: “How fast was car A going when it turned right?” Both groups received the same final question on the form, which was “Did you see the stop sign for car A?”
For the target question about the speed of the car. Consider what the study is measuring (the dependent variable)
The null hypothesis (in words) would be:
The alternative hypothesis (in words) would be:
The null and alternative (in symbols) would be:
Null =
Alternative = ____________________.
For each of the following samples, use the available information to calculate (where possible) or predict the following statistics:
(standard deviation)
For all three samples,
Sample 1
Sample 2
Stem Leaf
0 7
1 2, 3, 7, 7
2 8, 9, 9
4 0, 1
Sample 3
= 50
= 1,270.533
= 33,706
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment The Z-test
Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 3 before completing this assignment.
An educational psychologist is interested in seeing if Return To College (RTC) students—that is, students who have not attended school for more than 4 years in order to work or raise a family—are more motivated to achieve higher grades than students who have not taken a break in their education. She knows that the distribution of grade point averages (GPAs) for students at her college who have not interrupted their education is normally distributed with a mean of 2.90 and a standard deviation of 0.89. She collects the following sample of GPAs for 10 RTC students. Use the data in Table 9.6 to answer the following questions.
GPA for RTC Students
Use the data to answer the following questions:
Find the mean GPA for the RTC students in the sample.
Determine the null and alternative hypotheses.
**Decide if the GPAs earned by RTC students are significantly higher than the population.
**Question C was modified from the original question in the text on p. 380
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment Midterm Project
As you begin to think about questions more critically, the next step is to apply what you have learned in developing sound research questions. As such, the midterm project is formed to help you think about how to do this. Using one of the data sets provided, you are being asked to describe the data and sample using statistics and visualization, to develop and test a hypothesis, and to report the results in APA style. To do this you will need to create a report after completing each major bullet point below. Here is a link to a template that you might use as a guide in developing this project.
Midterm Project Template.docx
Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 4 before completing this project.
Please Note:
All data sets and/or resources needed for this project are linked at the bottom of the page.
Project Details
Your submission for the Midterm Project should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension AND a document with the information outlined below:
A. Select one of the datasets provided.
B. Create two hypotheses.
1. One must be able to be tested using an independent means and independent samples t-test.
2. One must be able to be tested using a dependent means or paired samples t-test.
C. Describe the variables you used in your hypotheses.
1. Describe the variables in words.
2. Describe the variables numerically. For example, present measures of central tendency and variability (when appropriate) for the major variables.
3. Describe the variables graphically.
4. You should interpret these and not simply present the numbers.
5. Report demographic information using variables of sex, age, and/or COVID-19 Risk.
6. Create a least one box plot, one histogram, and one frequency table. You should interpret these and not simply present the graphs/tables.
D. Test your hypotheses using the appropriate statistical procedure in Jamovi. For each hypothesis write a paragraph that states the statistics you ran and why. See the example below for details.
1. Write the results of what you found in APA style and provide relevant output at the end of the report.
2. State whether your results support or fail to support your hypothesis.
E. Create a report (approximately 2 – 5 pages) that combines what you completed and found in main bullet points B – D; this will be similar to the Template linked above.
To complete this project, you will need to following resources:
Be sure to open the Jamovi software FIRST and then open one of these files within the Jamovi software.
Midterm Social Science Data.omv Download Midterm Social Science Data.omv
Midterm Health Data.omv Download Midterm Health Data.omv
This project will utilize Jamovi, to review the resources linked in your Course Resources to get started with Jamovi. Please reach out to your instructor with any questions or concerns.
SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference
Assignment ANOVA Worksheet
ANOVA Worksheet
To answer the questions, do the following steps:
1)Complete the table
2) Find the Critical F
3) Compare your F to the Critical F
Question 1: Ellie wants to know if student involvement influences GPA. Her 24 students fit into one of 3 groups (not involved, somewhat involved, and very involved). Is the test significant?
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig?
Between Groups 100 3.50
Within Groups
Critical F:
Question 2: Brian beliefs his workout program is better than crossfit or boxing and wants to test this. He compares the scores of people in his training to those doing crossfit and those who are boxing. In total there are 76 people. Is there a difference?
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig?
Between Groups 4.25
Within Groups 96
Critical F:
Question 3: Jordan has compared employees who were hired in Fall of 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2016, and Spring 2016 on their work performance. In total there were 224 employees hired over the 4 seasons. Is there a difference in their performance?
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig?
Between Groups 1.75
Within Groups 16.36
Critical F:
Researchers wanted to test if a person’s marital status and if they are a parent influences the hours of sleep they get per night. Below are 3 tables from different set of participants.
For each of the following tables:
1) Decide if there are significant main effects of factors 1 (married) and/or 2 (parent)
2) Decide if there is a significant interaction.
3) Draw 2 different bar charts.
Question 4)
Married Single
Parent 6 4.5
Not A Parent 7.5 4.5
Question 5)
Married Single
Parent 6.75 6.25
Not A Parent 7.25 7.75
Question 6)
Married Single
Parent 7.5 5.5
Not A Parent 7.75 8.0
Solution: MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July Assignments Latest (Full)