MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July Assignment - Mean, Median, Mode, & Skewness Latest

Question # 00827558 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 07/14/2022 02:13 AM Due on: 07/14/2022
Subject Statistics Topic General Statistics Tutorials:
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SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference

Assignment   Mean, Median, Mode, & Skewness

Complete the following problems using what we have learned in class to this point. You may complete these problems on a sheet of paper and submit of picture of your work or using a tablet or computer (writing out the problems that require math). The task is not to use computer software or applications to answer the questions but to complete them by hand. You will be graded based on completing each problem (or attempting to do so) but also the accuracy of your responses. If you have questions pertaining to these questions or anything in the class, please contact me and ask.

Review the videos in your Module Resources and Tutorials 2 before completing this assignment.


Find the mean, median, and mode for the following data:


5, 7, 3, 8, 2, 3, 3, 1, 9

104, 139, 145, 150, 167, 205, 205, 20

See Stem and Leaf Plot below:

Stem     Leaf

1              0,3,5,5

2              0,1,4,7,7,7,7,8,8,9

3              3,3,5,8,9

4              0,1

5              7,8,8,8,9,9

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00823014 Posted By: solutionshare7 Posted on: 07/14/2022 02:15 AM
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    The solution of MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July Assignment - Mean, Median, Mode, & Skewness Latest...
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