MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July Final Project Latest

Question # 00827575 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 07/14/2022 02:33 AM Due on: 07/14/2022
Subject Statistics Topic General Statistics Tutorials:
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SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference

Final Project

As you begin to think about questions more critically, the next step is to apply what you have learned in developing sound research questions. As such, the final project is formed to help you think about how to do this. You are being asked to develop five hypotheses and to test these hypotheses. You will need to complete this project by writing a report, with appropriate APA formatting when required, addressing each major bullet point below.

Before beginning this project, please review the videos on the Module Resources and Tutorials 8 page.

Please Note:

All data sets and/or resources needed for this project are linked at the bottom of the page.

Project Details

Your submission for the Final Project should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension AND a document with the information outlined below:

Select one of the datasets provided.

Develop five hypotheses.

One must be able to be tested using a one-way ANOVA.

One must be able to be tested using a two-way ANOVA.

One must be able to be tested using a correlation.

One must be able to be tested using a regression or multiple regression.

One must be able to be tested using a mediation or moderation.

Describe the variables used in your hypotheses.

Describe the variables numerically.

For example, present measures of central tendency and variability (when appropriate) for the major variables. You should interpret these and not simply present the numbers.

Report demographic information for the sample, such as sex and age.

Create a least one histogram and one frequency table. You should interpret these and not simply present the graph/table

Test each hypothesis using the appropriate statistical procedure in Jamovi. For each hypothesis write a paragraph that states the statistics you ran and why. See the example below for details.

Write the results of what you found in APA style and provide relevant output at the end of the report.

State whether your results support or fail to support your hypothesis

Create a report that combines what you completed and found in bullet points B – D; the structure used for this project will be similar to the one used for the Midterm Project. 


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00823032 Posted By: solutionshare7 Posted on: 07/14/2022 02:49 AM
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