MARYVILLE SOSC341 2022 July LAB 3 Latest

Question # 00827571 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 07/14/2022 02:32 AM Due on: 07/14/2022
Subject Statistics Topic General Statistics Tutorials:
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SOSC341 Understanding Statistical Inference


Lab Details

Your submission for this Lab Assignment should be a Jamovi file with a .omv extension. The results in APA formatting can be written directly on the Jamovi file or in a separate document.

Dr. Love is interested in the difference between people with different styles of love (eros, ludic, storge) and the number of romantic partners that they have had in their lifetime.

Use analysis of variance to test if the type of love style influences the number of romantic partners someone has.

If there is a significant difference, use a post hoc test to explain them.

Write all of the results in APA style.

 Dr. Love is interested if there are differences between genders and the number of partners, love style and the number of partners, and the interaction between gender and love style and the number of partners.

Using a FACTORIAL ANOVA, test for differences between genders, love style, the interaction between the two on the number of partners each participant has had.

If these results are significant please interpret them, using post hoc analyses when possible.

Report results in APA style.

 Use the Love Styles Data Set for these problems

 Dr. Nancy wants to know how effective the therapy is at St. Maximus inpatient facility. Specifically, she wants to test if (regardless of the therapist) the patient's depression symptoms change from therapy session one, therapy session two, and therapy session three.

Use a repeated-measures analysis of variance to test if there is a significant difference in depression symptoms across the 3 times.

If there is a significant difference, use Post hoc tests to explain them.

Write all of the results in APA style.

 Dr. Nancy wants to know how effective the therapy is at St. Maximus inpatient facility. Specifically, she wants to test if the patient’s depression symptoms change from therapy session one, therapy session two, and therapy session three, if the therapist has an influence on depression scores, and if there is an interaction between the therapy session times and therapist on depression scores.

Using a FACTORIAL ANOVA, test for differences in depression scores across time and therapists, as well as the interaction between the two.

Describe all main effects and interactions, using post hoc tests and graphs.

Write the results in APA style. Use the Therapist Influence Data Set for these problems.


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