Unit 7 paper
Question # 00653193
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Updated on: 02/21/2018 01:01 AM Due on: 02/25/2018
Due: by 11:59pm on Sunday of Unit 7
For the first part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment you submitted in Unit 6, you selected one of the questions below to develop into an outline. In this second part of the Argumentative Writing Assignment, you will need to continue with that topic.
- Social Media and Communication
- How has social media affected society’s communication skills in a positive OR negative manner?
- Gender Pay Gap
- Why or why not is there a gender pay gap in modern society, and what should be done to address it?
- Arts Funding
- How necessary is arts funding in the American education system?
The Argumentative Writing Assignment requires that you form an argument in favor of a specific position on one of the topics above. In the assignment, you will be using three academic and scholarly sources; two articles should be in favor of your position and one article should feature the counterargument.
Please read the file attached below for specific directions and grading criteria.
- Unit 7 Argumentative Writing Assignment
Solution: Unit 7 paper