COUN6204 Week 7 Discussion Using Personality Assessment to Inform Latest 2022

Question # 00822508 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/13/2022 08:39 PM Due on: 04/14/2022
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COUN 6204A Week 7

Discussion 1: Using Personality Assessment to Inform Comorbid Addiction Diagnosis

Personality assessments provide data on various personality constructs, such as extroversion, neuroticism, openness, hypomania, obsessiveness, and many others. Personality assessment results can provide valuable inroads into case conceptualization, diagnosis, and treatment planning. At the same time, they can be detrimental to clients. Therefore, it is necessary to be cognizant of any ethical, legal, and cultural considerations in using this type of data to inform diagnosis and treatment.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources. Consider the benefits and limitations of using personality assessment data to inform comorbid addiction diagnosis.

Post one possible benefit and one possible limitation of using personality assessments to inform a comorbid addiction diagnosis. Then, explain at least one ethical and one cultural consideration to take into account when using personality assessments to inform comorbid addiction diagnosis. Be sure to cite the ACA Code of Ethics and the Association for Assessment in Counseling Standards for Multicultural Assessment.

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  1. Tutorial # 00817910 Posted By: Ferreor Posted on: 04/13/2022 08:40 PM
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