COUN6204 Week 7 Discussion Assessing Comorbidity Latest 2022

Question # 00822507 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/13/2022 08:38 PM Due on: 04/14/2022
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Discussion 2: Assessing Comorbidity

Counselors must be prepared to deal with comorbid mental health and addiction disorders. Clients with a comorbid personality disorder may begin using substances to alleviate symptoms of that disorder. For example, a person with borderline personality disorder may use alcohol to help regulate feelings of loneliness. Additionally, clients with substance use disorders may develop other mental health disorders because of their prolonged misuse of substances. For example, a client who uses cocaine may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms after being assaulted while trying to secure drugs.

For this Discussion, return to the Mental Measurements Yearbook in the Walden Library and locate an assessment instrument that measures comorbidity. This instrument must be applicable to addiction counseling.

Post an example of a client exhibiting comorbidity with addiction and describe an appropriate assessment instrument that you might use to assess both disorders. Explain why this assessment would be appropriate in your example.

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