NU650 2022 January Week 14 Quiz 1 Latest

Question # 00822499 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/11/2022 11:15 PM Due on: 04/12/2022
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NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 14 Quiz 1

Question 1

Match the following cranial nerves with the activities used to test them.

CN II     





Question 2Match the positive response with the assessed tendon reflex.

Biceps Reflex    

Brachioradialis Reflex    

Achilles Reflex

Triceps Reflex   

Quadriceps/Patellar Reflex

Question 3A newborn is in the office for her one-week check. You are examining her mouth with a gloved finger. You touch her cheek lightly and notice her head turn to the side of touch. You recognize this as the:

Select one:

 a.Sucking reflex

 b.Moro reflex

 c.Babinski reflex

 d.Rooting reflex

Question 4A patient reports problems with balance. On physical examination, you notice an unsteady gait. This most likely represents a disturbance in:

Select one:

 a.Cerebellum function

b.Frontal lobe function

 c.Cranial nerve XI

 d.Temporal lobe function

Question 5The NP demonstrates and had the patient demonstrate rapid alternating movements to assess:

Select one:





Question 6The NP examines a 6-month-old infant girl for a well-child visit. The presence of which of the following reflexes will be noted as normal for her age?

Select one:

 a.Rooting Reflex

 b.Parachute Reflex

 c.Moro Reflex

 d.Tonic Neck Reflex

Question 7The NP will palpate temporal and masseter muscles as part of the motor examination of which of the following cranial nerves?

Select one:

 a.V Trigeminal

 b.VII Facial

 c.VIII Acoustic and Vestibular

 d.XI Spinal Accessory

Question 8When grading deep tendon reflexes, a normal average reflex score is considered:

Select one:






Question 9When you ask your 68-year-old patient to stand with his feet together and arms at his side with his eyes closed, he starts to sway and moves his feet further apart and stumbles. You would document this as a :

Select one:

 a.Positive pronator drift

 b.Negative proprioception test

 c.Negative Homan's sign

 d.Positive Romberg's sign

Question 10Which of the following responses would the NP recognize as worrisome?

Select one:

 a.Dorsiflexion of the great toe when eliciting a plantar response

b. Tightness and discomfort in the buttocks during a straight-leg raise test

 c.Contraction of abdominal muscles and movement of the umbilicus toward the stimulus when each side of the abdomen is lightly, but briskly, stroked to assess for abdominal reflexes

 d.Absence of scapular winging when both arms are extended and pushed against a wall

Question 11You place a quarter in your client's hand and ask him to identify it without looking. You are testing for which discriminative sensation?

Select one:



c. Extinction

 d.Point localization

Question 12Which of the following neurologic tests assess the sensory system?

Select one:

a.Romberg test

 b.Point to point movements

 c.Vibration and position

d.Pronator drift

Question 13An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The nurse practitioner documents that her patient has a muscle strength grade of 4 in her left leg. This means:

Select one:

 a.She has full ROM against gravity and full resistance

 b.She has full ROM against gravity and some resistance

 c.She has full ROM against gravity, but not against resistance

 d.She has full ROM with gravity eliminated (passive motion)


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