NU650 2022 January Week 12 Quiz Latest

Question # 00822498 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/11/2022 11:15 PM Due on: 04/12/2022
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NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 12 Quiz

Question 1Match the anatomical structure to the  description




Question 2A 16-year-old male patient presents for an acute contusion to his left lower extremity sustained while playing soccer. The NP will anticipate the following signs of inflammation to be present:

Select one:




 d.All of the above

Question 3An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her right arm out to the side and away from her body. If performed ly, the NP will document the patient was able to demonstrate which of the following movements?

Select one:





Question 4An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her head forward to touch her chin to her chest to check her range of motion. The movement she is performing is described as:

Select one:



 c.Lateral bending


Question 5An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to point her foot downward towards the floor. The NP will note the patients ability for:

Select one:




 d.Plantar flexion

Question 6An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP notes that when the patient moves her right knee, a grating, crackling sound is heard in the joint as well as felt with palpation. This NP will document this finding as:

Select one:



c. Calcificus

 d.Adhesive capsulitis

Question 7An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her forearms so that the palms of her hands are facing up. The NP will then document the patient’s ability for:

Select one:





Question 8An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

If the NP determines that the patient’s musculoskeletal problems are related to trauma, which of the following will be helpful in leading to differential diagnoses?

Select one:

 a.Family history of rheumatoid arthritis or other related diagnoses

 b.Birth presentation

 c.Mechanism of injury

d. Pain medication taken up to this point

Question 9Of the 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, there are:

Select one:

 a.5 lumbar

b.5 thoracic

 c.12 sacral

 d.12 cervical

Question 10The NP performs musculoskeletal maneuvers on a newborn and notes palpable movement of the femoral head back into place. The NP will document this as a:

Select one:

 a.Negative Allis sign

 b.Positive Barlow test

c. Negative Galeazzi sign

 d.Positive Ortolani sign

Question 11Which of the following diagnoses is associated with contracture of one of the sternocleidomastoid muscles?

Select one:





Question 12A 55-year-old male patient presents to the clinic with reported pain in his left shoulder after helping his sister move to a new apartment. Which of the following findings would indicate a possible rotator cuff tear?

Select one:

 a.Negative Apley scratch test

 b.A negative Neer impingement sign

 c.A positive drop-arm test on the left

d.A positive internal rotation lag test

Question 13Your client experiences numbness and burning in the hands when the hands are held back to back while flexing the wrists ninety degrees. Which of the following is an accurate statement based on this finding?

Select one:

 a.This is a positive Phalen's test and is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome

b.This is a positive Tinel's sign and is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome

 c.This is a positive McMurray's sign and is suggestive of arthritis of the wrist

 d.This is a positive LeSegue's test and is suggestive of arthritis of the wrist


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