NU650 2022 January All Quizzes Latest

Question # 00822501 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 04/11/2022 11:15 PM Due on: 04/12/2022
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NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 1 Quiz   

Question 1A patient is seen in the office for amenorrhea, for which you obtain a urine pregnancy test in the office that returned negative. You would document this finding which of the following sections of the encounter note?

Select one:

 a.History of Present Illness

 b.Chief Complaint

 c.Subjective Data

 d.Objective Data

Question 2All of the following actions represent clinical reasoning EXCEPT:

Select one:

 a.Identify abnormal findings and localize them by body system.

 b.Chief Complaint

c. Cluster the patient’s subjective and objective findings by categories such as age, timing, and multisystem conditions.

 d.Generate and test hypothesis about the causes of the patient’s problems.

Question 3The most recommended process to elicit the Review of Systems is for the NP to:

Select one:

 a.Limit the ROS to systems related to the chief complaint

 b.Follow the patient’s lead regarding the order of symptoms

 c.Incorporate the ROS during the physical exam, stopping to make notes as necessary

 d.Start with general questions on each of the different body systems

Question 4The NP can determine higher cognitive function by asking the patient to perform which of the following tasks?

Select one:

 a.Count backward from 100 by 7s

 b.Identify the day of the week, month, season, date, and year

 c.Recall details of historical events draw a clock showing the time as 2 p.m.

Question 5The NP will ask the patient which of the following questions to assess for depression?

Select one:

 a.“Have you ever been annoyed by others criticizing your alcohol use?”

 b.“Over the past two weeks, have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?”

 c.“Over the past two weeks, have you been unable to stop or control worrying?”

 d.“How often do you have contact with those that you care about or care about you?”

Question 6The NP will document the reason for the visit in which of the following sections of the encounter note?

Select one:

 a.History of Present Illness

 b.Chief Complaint

c. Subjective Data

 d.Objective Data

Question 7The primary care provider will anticipate what percent of outpatients have mental health disorders?

Select one:





Question 8Which of the following actions by the NP demonstrates patient-centered interviewing techniques?

Select one:

 a.Determine the personal context of the patient’s symptoms

 b.Focus on symptoms to identify a disease or condition

 c.Offer his or her perspective to lead the patient’s response

d.Solicit information from the patient’s significant others

Question 9Which of the following strategies is most effective when dealing with an angry or disruptive patient?

Select one:

 a.Allow the patient to disrupt the setting as needed to alleviate their anger

 b.Ask the patient to lower their voice and remain calm throughout the interview

 c.Reinforce the patient’s criticisms of other clinicians or the facility

 d.Validate the patient’s feelings without agreeing with their reasons

Question 10Which of the following variables should have the greatest affect as to how the NP will conduct the history and physical examination of a child?

Select one:

 a.The child’s developmental level

 b.The child’s chronological age

 c.The expected head to toe format and order of examination techniques

 d.The child’s birth history


NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 5 Quiz 1

Question 1Match the primary skin lesion to the description






Question 2A linear arrangement along a nerve distribution is a description of which type of skin lesion?

Select one:





Question 3A wood’s lamp is especially useful in diagnosing ________.

Select one:

 a.tine versicolor

 b.herpes zoster dermatitis

 d.all of the above

Question 4Which of the following questions will help the NP determine if the rash is associated with an immediate life-threatening condition?

Select one:

 a.How long have you had this rash?

 b.Does the rash involve mucous membranes?

 c.Have you had a rash like this before?

 d.Has the rash changed? If so, how?

Question 5

The NP has identifies a solid, elevated, circumscribed lesion that is less than 1 cm in diameter and palpable into the dermis. The NP will ly document this finding as a ________.

Select one:





Question 6Which of the following objective findings would alert the NP to consider skin cancer in the list of differential diagnoses?

Select one:

 a.Annular and symmetrical lesion

 b.Blurred edges to a raised lesion

 c.Solid red raised lesion

 d.Diameter of 5 mm

Question 7The patient’s chart reveals a history of atopic dermatitis. The NP will anticipate that the patient will say ‘yes’ to which of the following subjective questions?

Select one:

 a.Is the rash painful or sore?

 b.Have you traveled recently?

 c.Do you have a fever?

 d.Does anyone in your family have chronic skin problems?

Question 8You have just read in the patient's chart that she has a lesion that is confluent in nature. On examination, you would expect to find:

Select one:

 a.Lesions that run together.

 b.b. Irregular or geographic pattern not related to any underlying anatomic structure.

 c.More than one type of shape of lesion.

 d.Snakelike or creeping appearance to the lesion.


NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 5 Quiz 2

Question 1Which of the following represents the proper position for the NP to assess the patient’s abdomen?

Select one:

 a.Stand at the patient’s left side and proceed in a systematic fashion.

 b.Stand at the patient’s left side and assess any problem areas first

 c.Stand at the patient’s right side and proceed in a systematic fashion

 d.Stand at the patient’s right side and assess any problem areas first

Question 2The NP will demonstrate the  order of examination for the abdomen by using examination techniques as follows:

1.            Auscultation

2.            Inspection

3.            Palpation

4.            Percussion

Select one:





Question 3A 36-year-old female patient is seen in the clinic for a reported fever and back pain. She complained of pain when the NP percussed over the left costovertebral angle. This finding supports which of the following differential diagnoses?

Select one:


 b.Left lower lobe pneumonia



Question 4The liver border can be palpated normally below the costal margin at the:

Select one:

 a.Left mid-clavicular line

 b.Right mid-axillary line

 c.Right mid-clavicular line

 d.Left mid-axillary line

Question 5The NP will recognize which of the following subjective or objective findings as worrisome for an abdominal aortic aneurysm?

Select one:

 a.Aortic width of 2.8 cm

 b.25-pack year smoking history

 c.Age of 60

 d.Female gender

Question 6The NP will use which of the following examination techniques to determine muscular resistance, superficial organs, and masses in the abdomen?

Select one:


 b.Light palpation

 c.Deep palpation

 d. Percussion

Question 7

The NP will use which of the following methods to help the patient relax during the abdominal exam?

Select one:

 a.Ask the patient to hold their breath

 b.Palpate the abdomen after inspiration

 c.Palpate the abdomen after expiration

 d.Palpate the abdomen using quick, short movements

Question 8The parents of a 4-month-old infant share concern about their child’s umbilical hernia at a well- child visit. The NP will ly inform them that:

Select one:

 a.Most umbilical hernias disappear by 12 months of age

 b.The hernia can be surgically repaired before the child reaches adolescence

 c.This finding indicates that their child is at high risk for other hernias

 d.There is a strong familial history for umbilical hernias

Question 9When percussing the abdomen in a patient with constipation, which of the following sounds would you expect to find in the left lower quadrant?

Select one:





Question 10When percussing the abdomen, you would document the normal finding of percussion over the intestines as:

Select one:





Question 11Which of the following abdominal exam findings would prompt the NP to consider cholecystitis as a different diagnosis?

Select one:

 a.Positive psoas sign

 b.Positive Rovsing's sign

 c.Positive Obturator sign

 d.Positive Murphy's sign

Question 12Which of the following symptoms would you expect from a young adolescent in the early phase of appendicitis?

Select one:

 a.Abdominal pain two hours after eating

 b.CVA tenderness

 c.Severe RLQ pain with pallor and sweating



NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 7 Quiz   

Question 1A 40-year-old male patient presents with sinus pain, pressure, and yellow nasal discharge. Your examination would include palpation of:

Select one:

 a.Ethmoid and frontal sinuses

 b.Maxillary and sphenoid sinuses

 c.Frontal and maxillary sinuses

d.Sphenoid and ethmoid sinuses

Question 2A 60-year-old presents with a three-day history of left eye irritation. Which of the following findings should be recorded in the subjective review of systems?

Select one:

 a.Patient denies eye pain or change in vision

 b.Vision is 20/20 by Snellen chart

 c.Yellow crust is visible at the inner canthus of the left eye

 d.All of the above

Question 3During a physical examination of the throat, which of the following structures of the mouth/throat should rise when the patient says “Ahh”?

Select one:

 a.Hard Palate

 b.Soft Palate

c.Lingual Frenulum

 d.Buccal Mucosa

Question 4On examination of the posterior pharynx, you are able to visualize the tonsils bilaterally extending just past the anterior and posterior pillars. According to the Friedman Scale how would you document this finding in your note?

Select one:

 a.Tonsils noted to be normal

 b.Tonsils visualized grade 3

 c.Tonsils visualized grade 1

 d.Tonsils visualized grade 2

Question 5The NP will assess visual acuity using which of the following tests?

Select one:

 a.Snellen test

b.Cover test

 c.Accommodation test

 d.Confrontation test

Question 6The NP will ly perform the Weber test by

Select one:

 a.a. Placing a lightly vibrating tuning fork on the mastoid bone and asking the patient if he can hear the vibration.

 b.b. Placing a lightly vibrating tuning fork on the top of the patient’s head and asking the patient where he hears the sound.

 c.c. Standing two feet behind the patient, occluding the nontest ear and whispering a combination of three numbers.

 d.d. Holding the tuning fork close to the ear canal and asking the patient if he can hear the sound.

Question 7The NP will recognize which of the following findings when assessing the lymph nodes in the head and neck as worrisome, warranting further workup?

Select one:

 a.Tender tonsillar and submandibular nodes in the presence of a streptococcal infection

b.Any lymph node that the NP is able to roll in two direction: up and down, and side to side

 c.Enlarged supraclavicular nodes

 d.Tender and enlarged preauricular nodes in the presence of AOM

Question 8When conducting an ophthalmoscopic exam, the NP will differentiate arteries from veins by noting:

Select one:

 a.Larger size of arteries

 b.Bright light reflection of arteries

 c.Dark red color of arteries

d.Location of the vessel to the optic disc

Question 9When examining a 3-year-old presenting to your office with right ear pain, which would be the appropriate order for the assessment?

Select one:

 a.Right ear, left ear, mouth, nose, neck, lungs, and heart

 b.Neck, lungs, heart, mouth, nose, left ear, and right ear

 c.Left ear, right ear, neck, lungs, heart and nose

 d.Lungs, heart, mouth, nose, and right ear

Question 10Which of the following describes the proper technique for examination of the ear canal and drum for a 2-year-old child?

Select one:

 a.Use the smallest ear speculum, position the patient’s head so that you see comfortably, and straighten the ear canal by grasping the auricle firmly and pulling it upward and backward, slightly away from the head

b.Use the largest ear speculum that inserts easily in the canal, position the patient’s head so that you see comfortably, and straighten the ear canal by grasping the auricle firmly and pulling it downward and backward, slightly away from the head

 c.Use the largest ear speculum that inserts easily into the canal, position the patient’s head so that you can see comfortably, and straighten the ear canal by grasping the auricle firmly and pulling it upward and backward, slightly away from the head

 d.Use the smallest ear speculum, ask the patient to lie on the exam table, and straighten the ear canal by grasping the auricle firmly and pulling it upward and backward, slightly away from the head

Question 11Which of the following findings on examination of the nasal mucosa and septum would most likely indicate allergic rhinitis?

Select one:

 a.Reddened nasal mucosa with purulent drainage

 b.Pale or bluish nasal mucosa with clear drainage

c.Fresh blood or crusting of the nasal mucosa

 d.Asymmetry in appearance between the right and left sides

Question 12Which of the following is/are normal in the examination of the oral cavity?

Select one:

 a.A midline lingual frenulum extending from the tongue to the floor of the mouth

 b.Papillae covering the dorsum of the tongue

 c.Pink buccal mucosa lining the cheeks

 d.All of the above are normal

Question 13Which of the following techniques identifies the  way to use an ophthalmoscope to inspect the optic disc and retina in the patient’s left eye? The NP will hold the ophthalmoscope:

Select one:

 a.In their left hand and examine the patient’s left eye with his or her left eye

b. In their right hand and examine the patient’s left eye with his or her right eye

 c.In their dominant hand and examine both of the patient’s eyes with his or her dominant eye

 d.According to personal preference and experience

Question 14You are examining a 4-year-old boy who presents to the office with his mother who complains that he gets “bloody noses” frequently. You know that the most common cause of epistaxis in this age group is:

Select one:

 a.Chronic rhinitis

 b.Foreign body

 c.Picking their nose

d.Allergic rhinitis

Question 15You are examining a 9-month-old in your office and do not see a red reflex on the fundoscopic exam. This finding would cause concern as it can be indicative of which of the following?

Select one:






NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 10 Quiz 1

Question 1An 85-year-old woman is brought to the urgent care center for possible aspiration pneumonia. The NP understands that, based on normal anatomy, adventitious lungs sounds will most likely be heard in which of the following areas?

Select one:

 a.Left upper lobe

 b.Left middle and lower lobes

c.Right upper lobe

d.Right middle and lower lobes

Question 2Barrel chest is an abnormal chest configuration that may occur in which of the following disorders?

Select one:





Question 3Bronchovesicular sounds are heard normally at which location?

Select one:

 a.Second intercostal spaces anteriorly bilaterally

b.Base of the lungs bilaterally, posteriorly

 c.Laterally at the mid axillary line bilaterally

 d.Bilaterally at the mid-clavicular line, 5th intercostal space

Question 4Normally, when the lung fields are percussed the resulting sound is described as ________.

Select one:





Question 5The clinic has extended hours to provide flu vaccines and preventative teaching for the community. Based on current CDC Influenza Vaccine Recommendations, the NP understands which of the following patients has a contraindication and cannot receive the vaccine?

Select one:

 a.A healthy 2-month-old baby girl

b.A primagravida at 32 weeks

 c.A 60-year-old male patient with a history of CHF

 d.A 45-year-old female who has a BMI of 42

Question 6The NP will include which of the following questions in the review of systems to determine if the patient is experiencing dyspnea?

Select one:

a.Have you noticed any wheezing at night?

 b.Have you experienced a pins and needles sensation in your extremities?

 c.Have you developed a cough?

 d.How many stairs can you climb before pausing to catch your breath?

Question 7When compared to wheezes and rhonchi, The NP notes that on auscultation, crackles are:

Select one:

 a.Musical in quality

 b.Prolonged sounds, typically persisting throughout the respiratory cycle

 c.Intermittent and discontinuous sounds

d.Relatively low-pitched with a snoring quality

Question 8The patient presents to the clinic with reports of dyspnea. The NP will ask which of the following questions to determine factors that precipitate or aggravate the dyspnea?

Select one:

 a.Are your immunizations up to date?

 b.What activities are associated with shortness of breath?

c.Have you ever had eczema?

 d.Do you have a family history of respiratory disease?

Question 9Which of the following findings will alert the NP to include pneumonia as a differential diagnosis?

Select one:

 a.Decreased tactile fremitus

 b.Symmetrical chest expansion/lung excursion

 c.Hyperresonance with percussion

 d.Positive bronchophony

Question 10Which of the following is an expected change of aging?

Select one:

 a.Supraclavicular retractions with inspiration


 c.There is a decrease of the elastic properties within the lungs

d.Pectus excavatum

Kyphosis is a normal aging process that affects the spinal curvature and may result in a change in respiratory function

Question 11Which of the following techniques will the NP use to assess the patient for tactile fremitus?

Select one:

 a.Place the ulnar surface of his hand firmly against the posterior thorax and ask the patient to repeat the words ‘ninety-nine’, comparing vibration on right and left sides for symmetry

 b.b. Place the ball of his hand on the mid posterior thorax and assess for vibration when the patient repeats the words ‘ninety-nine’

 c.Place his thumbs at the level of the 10th ribs, ask the patient to inhale deeply and assess the distance between his thumbs as they move apart

 d.d. Lightly place his fingertips over the thorax to note any crackling or grinding sounds over bones, joints, or skin

The  answer is: Place the ulnar surface of his hand firmly against the posterior thorax and ask the patient to repeat the words ‘ninety-nine’, comparing vibration on right and left sides for symmetry


NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 10 Quiz 2

Question 1Match the anatomic landmarks to the cardiac auscultatory area.


Erb's Point          




Question 2In your assessment of a normal adult, where would you expect to palpate the apical impulse?

Select one:

 a.Third left intercostal space at the sternal border.

 b.Fourth left intercostal space at the sternal border.

 c.Fourth left intercostal space at the anterior axillary line.

 d.Fifth left intercostal space at the midclavicular line.

Question 3The NP incorporates which of the following techniques to ensure an accurate blood pressure measurement

Select one:

 a.Allowing the patient to rest for at least ten minutes

 b.Asking the patient to cross his legs at the ankles

 c.Center the bladder of the cuff over the brachial artery

 d.Placing the patient’s arm above heart level

Question 4The NP will ask the patient to assume which position to assess for mitral stenosis?

Select one:

 a.Left lateral decubitus

b.Supine, with the head elevated 30 degrees

 c.Sitting, learning forward after full exhalation

 d.Supine with the head of the bed elevated 15 degrees and the patient’s head turned to the left

Question 5The NP will ask the patient to assume which position to assess the patient for aortic regurgitation?

Select one:

 a.Left lateral decubitus

 b.Supine, with the head elevated 30 degrees

 c.Sitting, leaning forward after full exhalation

 d.Supine with the head of the bed elevated 15 degrees and the patient’s head turned to the left

Question 6The NP will document assessment of the radial pulse as normal by noting the following grade:

Select one:





Question 7To assess the patient for a carotid bruit, the NP will first ask the patient to

Select one:

a.Perform a Valsalva maneuver and then place the bell of the stethoscope near the upper end of the thyroid cartilage below the angle of the jaw

 b.Hold their breath and then place the diaphragm of the stethoscope near the upper end of the thyroid cartilage below the angle of the jaw

 c.Breathe normally and then place the bell of the stethoscope near the upper end of the thyroid cartilage below the angle of the jaw

 d.Hold their breath and then palpate both carotid arteries simultaneously to assess for symmetry

Question 8When ascultating heart sounds at the mitral area of the anterior chest, you would expect:

Select one:

 a.S1 to be present, S2 to be absent.

 b.S1 to be louder than S2.

 c.S1 to be the same intensity as S2.

 d.S2 to be louder than S1.

Question 9When examining a patient´s heart you hear a murmur between S2 and S1. How would you describe the murmur?

Select one:

 a.It is a normal finding in this part of the cardiac cycle

 b.It is a diastolic murmur

c.It is a systolic murmur

 d.It is a crescendo murmur

Question 10When performing an Allen Test, the NP will note which of the following results as positive, potentially indicating an occlusion?

Select one:

 a.Palmar pallor

 b.Palmar flushing

I: This is a negative or expected result

 c.Filling of the veins of the feet within 15 seconds of dangling after being raised to 90 degrees tor two minutes

 d.A palpable pressure wave when palpating two areas of a vein

Question 11Which of the following objective findings on the LE would alert the NP to consider chronic venous insufficiency as a differential diagnosis?

Select one:

a.Cool or pale color

 b.Local swelling, redness, and warmth

c.Brownish discoloration or ulcers just above the malleolus


Question 12Which of the following statements describes the  assessment technique for the examination of the peripheral vascular system?

Select one:

 a.Assess the temperature of the feet and legs with the dorsal aspect of the fingers

b. Observe the patient’s gait walking heel-toe

 c.Auscultate the femoral pulse to determine rate and rhythm

 d.Percuss quickly over the dorsum of each foot, behind each medial malleolus, and over the shins bilaterally to identify any edema






NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 12 Quiz

Question 1Match the anatomical structure to the  description




Question 2A 16-year-old male patient presents for an acute contusion to his left lower extremity sustained while playing soccer. The NP will anticipate the following signs of inflammation to be present:

Select one:




 d.All of the above

Question 3An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her right arm out to the side and away from her body. If performed ly, the NP will document the patient was able to demonstrate which of the following movements?

Select one:





Question 4An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her head forward to touch her chin to her chest to check her range of motion. The movement she is performing is described as:

Select one:



 c.Lateral bending


Question 5An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to point her foot downward towards the floor. The NP will note the patients ability for:

Select one:




 d.Plantar flexion

Question 6An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP notes that when the patient moves her right knee, a grating, crackling sound is heard in the joint as well as felt with palpation. This NP will document this finding as:

Select one:



c. Calcificus

 d.Adhesive capsulitis

Question 7An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The NP asks the patient to move her forearms so that the palms of her hands are facing up. The NP will then document the patient’s ability for:

Select one:





Question 8An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

If the NP determines that the patient’s musculoskeletal problems are related to trauma, which of the following will be helpful in leading to differential diagnoses?

Select one:

 a.Family history of rheumatoid arthritis or other related diagnoses

 b.Birth presentation

 c.Mechanism of injury

d. Pain medication taken up to this point

Question 9Of the 33 vertebrae in the spinal column, there are:

Select one:

 a.5 lumbar

b.5 thoracic

 c.12 sacral

 d.12 cervical

Question 10The NP performs musculoskeletal maneuvers on a newborn and notes palpable movement of the femoral head back into place. The NP will document this as a:

Select one:

 a.Negative Allis sign

 b.Positive Barlow test

c. Negative Galeazzi sign

 d.Positive Ortolani sign

Question 11Which of the following diagnoses is associated with contracture of one of the sternocleidomastoid muscles?

Select one:





Question 12A 55-year-old male patient presents to the clinic with reported pain in his left shoulder after helping his sister move to a new apartment. Which of the following findings would indicate a possible rotator cuff tear?

Select one:

 a.Negative Apley scratch test

 b.A negative Neer impingement sign

 c.A positive drop-arm test on the left

d.A positive internal rotation lag test

Question 13Your client experiences numbness and burning in the hands when the hands are held back to back while flexing the wrists ninety degrees. Which of the following is an accurate statement based on this finding?

Select one:

 a.This is a positive Phalen's test and is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome

b.This is a positive Tinel's sign and is suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome

 c.This is a positive McMurray's sign and is suggestive of arthritis of the wrist

 d.This is a positive LeSegue's test and is suggestive of arthritis of the wrist


NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 14 Quiz 1

Question 1

Match the following cranial nerves with the activities used to test them.

CN II     





Question 2Match the positive response with the assessed tendon reflex.

Biceps Reflex    

Brachioradialis Reflex    

Achilles Reflex

Triceps Reflex   

Quadriceps/Patellar Reflex

Question 3A newborn is in the office for her one-week check. You are examining her mouth with a gloved finger. You touch her cheek lightly and notice her head turn to the side of touch. You recognize this as the:

Select one:

 a.Sucking reflex

 b.Moro reflex

 c.Babinski reflex

 d.Rooting reflex

Question 4A patient reports problems with balance. On physical examination, you notice an unsteady gait. This most likely represents a disturbance in:

Select one:

 a.Cerebellum function

b.Frontal lobe function

 c.Cranial nerve XI

 d.Temporal lobe function

Question 5The NP demonstrates and had the patient demonstrate rapid alternating movements to assess:

Select one:





Question 6The NP examines a 6-month-old infant girl for a well-child visit. The presence of which of the following reflexes will be noted as normal for her age?

Select one:

 a.Rooting Reflex

 b.Parachute Reflex

 c.Moro Reflex

 d.Tonic Neck Reflex

Question 7The NP will palpate temporal and masseter muscles as part of the motor examination of which of the following cranial nerves?

Select one:

 a.V Trigeminal

 b.VII Facial

 c.VIII Acoustic and Vestibular

 d.XI Spinal Accessory

Question 8When grading deep tendon reflexes, a normal average reflex score is considered:

Select one:






Question 9When you ask your 68-year-old patient to stand with his feet together and arms at his side with his eyes closed, he starts to sway and moves his feet further apart and stumbles. You would document this as a :

Select one:

 a.Positive pronator drift

 b.Negative proprioception test

 c.Negative Homan's sign

 d.Positive Romberg's sign

Question 10Which of the following responses would the NP recognize as worrisome?

Select one:

 a.Dorsiflexion of the great toe when eliciting a plantar response

b. Tightness and discomfort in the buttocks during a straight-leg raise test

 c.Contraction of abdominal muscles and movement of the umbilicus toward the stimulus when each side of the abdomen is lightly, but briskly, stroked to assess for abdominal reflexes

 d.Absence of scapular winging when both arms are extended and pushed against a wall

Question 11You place a quarter in your client's hand and ask him to identify it without looking. You are testing for which discriminative sensation?

Select one:



c. Extinction

 d.Point localization

Question 12Which of the following neurologic tests assess the sensory system?

Select one:

a.Romberg test

 b.Point to point movements

 c.Vibration and position

d.Pronator drift

Question 13An 80-year-old female is seen for evaluation of a possible joint replacement. The NP performs a complete musculoskeletal examination.

The nurse practitioner documents that her patient has a muscle strength grade of 4 in her left leg. This means:

Select one:

 a.She has full ROM against gravity and full resistance

 b.She has full ROM against gravity and some resistance

 c.She has full ROM against gravity, but not against resistance

 d.She has full ROM with gravity eliminated (passive motion)


NU650 Advanced Health Assessment Nursing

Week 14 Quiz 2

Question 1Match the term with the  definition.





Question 2During the genital exam of a newborn male infant, the NP recognizes which of the following findings as normal?

Select one:

 a.Nonretractable or only minimally retractable foreskin

b.Downward bowing of the penis

 c.Nonpalpable testes in the scrotum or inguinal canal

 d.Palpated hydrocele in the right testes

Question 3Menopause is defined as:

Select one:

 a.Less than three menstrual cycles in a 12-month period

 b.Two or fewer menstrual cycles in a 12-month period

 c.Absence of menses for six consecutive months

 d.Absence of menses for 12 consecutive months


Menopause is the absence of menses for 12 consecutive months

Question 4The cone shaped breast tissue that projects up into the axilla is known as:

Select one:

 a.Coopers ligament

 b.Tail of Spence

 c.Central Axillary Nodes

 d.Montgomery Space

Question 5The NP is performing a sports physical on an adolescent male and notes coarse and curly pubic hair spread sparsely over the pubic symphysis. This will be documented as Tanner Stage:

Select one:



c. 4


Question 6The NP will assist a 6-year-old female patient to which of the following positions to examine her genitalia?

Select one:

 a.Supine, with legs placed in short stirrups

 b.Prone, with buttocks elevated in the air

 c.Supine, frog-leg position

 d. Left lateral decubitus with legs relaxed

Question 7The nurse practitioner palpates a woman's ovaries. Which of the following represents a normal finding?

Select one:

 a.The right ovary is larger than the left

 b.The ovaries are smooth, firm, mobile, and almond shaped

 c.The ovaries are firm and fixed to underlying tissue

 d.The ovaries are markedly tender to palpation

Question 8The order of examination of the internal female genitalia is important. Which statement best describes the proper order of examination?

Select one:

 a.Bimanual examination, speculum examination, rectovaginal examination

 b.Speculum examination, rectovaginal examination, bimanual examination

 c.Speculum examination, bimanual vaginal examination, rectovaginal examination

d.Rectovaginal examination, bimanual examination, speculum examination

Question 9Which of the following findings on palpation of the breast is most suggestive of cancer?

Select one:

 a.Multiple round, soft, mobile lumps

 b.Firm round well delineated lump

 c.Firm, non-tender lump that is fixed to underlying tissue

 d.Tender, soft, mobile lump

Question 10Which of the following is appropriate in the preparation of the female patient for a pelvic exam and pap smear?

Select one:

 a.Assure the woman that she can stop the examination at any point if she feels discomfort

b.Instruct the client to drink a glass of water, because the bladder needs to be full for proper examination

 c.Have the woman position her arms over her head so as not to interfere with the examination

Question 11Which of the following is/are associated with an increased breast cancer risk?

Select one:

 a.Heavy alcohol use

 b.First degree relative with breast cancer

 c.Advancing age

 d.All of the above

Question 12Which of the following objective findings is/are consistent with a normal prostate?

Select one:

 a.It is heart shaped with a palpable groove

b. Its surface is smooth

 c.It has an elastic, rubbery consistency

 d.All of the above

Question 13Which of the following responses should the NP use to determine the patient’s gender identity?

Select one:

 a.Identify the most likely gender based on the patient’s dress and behavior

 b.Ask the patient yes/no questions related to sexual orientation

 c.Incorporate open-ended, neutral questions into the sexual history

 d.Provide the patient a checklist to self-identify gender

Question 14Which of the following would be consistent with a normal testicular exam?

Select one:

 a.Non-tender, subcutaneous plaques bilaterally

 b.Testes that feel ovoid and mobile, and slight sensation is felt by the patient upon compression

c.Single, hard, circumscribed, movable mass that is less than 1 cm on the surface of the testes

 d.A scrotal area that is dry, scaly and nodular throughout

Question 15While performing a rectal examination, you note a firm, irregularly shaped mass. What would be an appropriate response?

Select one:

 a.Continue with the exam and document the finding

 b.Instruct patient to return for repeat assessment in 1 month

 c.Tell patient you felt a mass, but it is nothing to worry about

 d.Report finding and refer the patient to GI specialist for further evaluation

Question 16Cervical motion tenderness is associated with what condition?

Select one:

 a.Pelvic inflammatory disease


 c.Carcinoma of the cervix


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