NR443 2023 January Week 7 Discussion Latest

Question # 00837192 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 01/14/2023 11:18 PM Due on: 01/15/2023
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NR443 RN Community Health Nursing

Week 7 Discussion

Communities and Disaster Preparedness

Discussion Question

Think about disasters your community has or could potentially face. Now, think about how your community is helping its members prepare.

Explore your community and find an advertisement that represents helping community members be prepared for a disaster.

Examples could be a billboard, poster at a bus stop, marquee sign, flyer, yard sign and more. Example: Sign advertising 'free' flu vaccinations at a local pharmacy.

Upload that picture into the discussion.

To have it display in your post:

Click the embed image (looks like a picture of a mountain),

Choose upload image from the drop down arrow

Click on the Upload Image (rocket ship) icon

Click on the image you want to display

Choose Open

Click Submit

Describe the message the advertisement is conveying.

Describe how the message impact preparedness.

If you cannot find any advertisement in your community, describe a type of advertisement for disaster preparedness you think would be most beneficial to your community and how it would be best conveyed.

Next, identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared


Correctional facilities

Home health


Forensic areas


Faith communities

Occupational health

Analyze at least one nursing role (refer to Week 6 lesson) related to disaster preparedness in that setting. Example: In the school setting, what actions and interventions would be involved with the nurse as coordinator of disaster preparedness?

Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.

Your discussion post should look like:

Uploaded picture

Paragraph one: Describe the message the advertisement is conveying and how the message impact preparedness.

Paragraph two: Identify one community setting that is impacted by the disaster advertisement you shared. Analyze at least one nursing role related to disaster preparedness in that setting.

Paragraph three: Identify at least one key stakeholder related to the setting that a CHN could collaborate with regarding disaster preparedness. Include why this collaboration is important.

Resources: Where did you find your data?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00832645 Posted By: solutionshare7 Posted on: 01/14/2023 11:20 PM
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