MARYVILLE NUR416 Complete Course Latest 2023 January (Full)
Module 1 Discussion
Introduce yourself to the class. Please include the following information:
Name and location
Practice Area
Any hobbies, interests, or additional information you would like to share
Post a picture of yourself.
Then, in 2-3 sentences, explain what experience you have in public/population health and how you hope this course will help you advance in your professional career.
Module 2 Discussion
DQ1 Caring for a Vulnerable Population
Watch one of the following videos:
Frontline. (2012). Poor Kids. PBS.Links to an external site.
Frontline. (2009). The Released. PBS. Links to an external site.
In your post, identify which video you watched and answer the following questions.
What are your thoughts after watching the video?
What issues did you identify as priorities for caring for this vulnerable population?
How might you as a community health nurse address some of these issues?
DQ2 Assessment of Your Community
Locate a community assessment for your community or another and discuss how this might be used in public/community health. What interventions might be utilized to improve the health of your community?
Module 3 Discussion
Ethical Dilemmas
Watch one of the following videos:
Frontline. (2013). Life and Death in Assisted Living. PBS. Links to an external site.
Frontline. (2012). Dollars and Dentists. PBS. Links to an external site.
In your post, identify which video you watched and answer the following questions.
Identify two ethical situations and discuss why they are an ethical dilemma.
Who do you believe created the ethical situation and why?
Provide ways to resolve or improve this situation. Are your resolutions community-oriented or community-based?
Module 4 Discussion
Culture in Your Community
Identify cultural areas in your community. Discuss how various cultures influence your community. What are some considerations for working with this population?
Module 5 Discussion
DQ1 The Silent Killer
Watch the following video:
Frontline. (2014). TB Silent Killer. PBS.Links to an external site.
Also view the content contained on the website. In your post, answer the following questions.
Comment about TB in the 21st Century.
Why is this a concern for the United States?
DQ2 Flu Pandemic
Watch the video below. If the video does not display, follow these instructions.
American Experience. (1998). Influenza 1918: The Worst Epidemic in American History. PBS Home Video.
In your post, answer the following questions.
Briefly summarize the video.
How would you compare it to what we are experiencing/experienced with the COVID pandemic?
What did you take away from the video?
Module 6 Discussion
Rescue to Self Reliance
Explore the following websites:
Missouri Department of Health. Show-Me Response: try of Volunteer Healthcare Professionals.
Medical Reserve Corps. Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps.
And view the video below. Again, if you have trouble viewing the video, follow these instructions.
Nicholas Comninellis, MD. (2012). From Rescue to Self Reliance. Vimeo.
In your post, answer the following questions:
What are your feelings after watching From Rescue to Self Reliance?
Discuss the importance/implications of these organizations you explored.
Do you belong to one of these groups? Are there any in your area? If so, list the nearest group.
Module 8 Discussion
DQ1 Community Health Article
Locate an article related to community health. Post it as a PDF, or provide a link if it's located online. Why is this article and topic important to community health? Who is the community being served or affected in the article?
DQ2 Culture of Health Project Presentation
Post your final Culture of Health Project PowerPoint presentation.
You may use a voice-over PowerPoint or a standard PowerPoint. You should prepare at least 3 questions for your peers to answer after viewing your presentation and facilitate a discussion.
Guidelines and Grading Criteria:
Concise summary of the project. (10 points)
Project objectives clearly stated and discussed. (10 points)
Evaluation results. (10 points)
Overall ability of the presentation to hold the interest of and engage the audience. (20 points)
Module 1 Assignment
Public Health Nursing
Reflect upon public health nursing. How does it compare to your present settings? Do you use public health/community health in your practice? Your response should be 3-5 pages long in APA format.
Module 3 Assignment
Windshield Survey/Community Assessment Project
Last Module, you identified a community in which to conduct a windshield survey. This Module, you will conduct, analyze and complete a windshield survey/community assessment that includes basic demographic information for the chosen community.
You may work in groups or individually on the project. A geopolitical community should be selected for the assessment. To complete this project, you'll need to complete the following tasks:
Complete the Windshield Survey Outline. (35 points)
Identify problems and rank them using the problem prioritizing criteria. (20 points)
Develop goals and objectives for your top two identified problems. (20 points)
Identify intervention activities for each of your goals and objectives. (15 points)
Discuss evaluation methods and strategies for the proposed intervention activities. (10 points)
An example of a windshield survey/community assessment has been provided.
Module 4 Assignment 1
Culture of Health Project Implementation Plan
Implementation Plan: (100 points)
Each student/group is to develop a written implementation plan for their community health project. The plan should be typed in APA format and submitted electronically in Word format to the faculty by the date specified on the syllabus. The written plan should be no longer than 10 pages in length (excluding the cover page, references, and attachments).
Each written plan is to include:
A brief description of the project that includes what is to be done, to whom, and where. This brief description should also include the rationale as to why you are doing this project (verses another type of project within your community). Use data from your community assessment to justify your rationale. This description should be no more than 2 paragraphs and one page in length. (10 points)
Profile of your target population for the project. (5 points)
Objectives for the project. Objectives should be specific and measurable. The objectives should indicate what sort of outcomes you hope to see upon implementation of your project. (15 points)
Description of services to be provided or “deliverables.” (25 points)
Identify when you will provide the service, where you will provide it, the number of potential participants or recipients of service, the methodology you will use (lecture, discussion, development of learning modules, etc.).
State in detail what you are going to do.
Provide an outline if you are doing a presentation.
Describe or provide a copy of the materials to be used (the teaching materials, pamphlets, etc.).
Describe how you will deliver the service.
Identify materials/products/equipment needed and who will supply them.
Provide a timeline for development and implementation of your project.
Identify potential barriers to implementation of your project.
Marketing/Advertising (5 points)
Describe how you will advertise/market your project.
How will you get people to come?
Describe or provide examples of marketing/advertising.
Costs (15 points)
Develop a basic budget for the project.
Include development costs (the time you spend developing the project), implementation costs, marketing/advertising costs, evaluation costs.
Include personnel and materials in the budget.
We do not have to be specific about salaries, the cost associated with the time of degreed professionals at $30/hr (this would be RN’s, teachers, health educators, etc.) and cost paraprofessionals at $15/hr.
Community venue for project (10 points)
Describe the agency where your project will be implemented.
Include the size, mission, and goals of the agency and their target population.
This should be no more than 1 paragraph.
State how your project meets the goals/mission of the agency.
Evaluation plan (15 points)
Identify who will evaluate your project (besides your faculty).
Find or develop a tool that will elicit the feedback of those you have identified.
Attach a copy of the tool.
Indicate how you will use the tool ( for example, will you use the tool before and after if you are giving a presentation to see if there is an increase in knowledge or skills).
Module 4 Assignment 2
Exploring Culture
Locate a website or organization that addresses a specific culture or group. Discuss challenges and opportunities when working with this population. Identify some culture specific practices. Your response should be 3-5 pages long.
Module 4 Assignment 3
Project Implementation (50 points)
All projects are to be implemented by the date indicated on the course calendar. If you cannot implement by the date indicated, please discuss this with your instructor. When you schedule your implementation notify your faculty via an upload in the assignment at least one week in advance. When you notify your instructor, include the following in your document:
Agency where the project is to be implemented (include address)
Agency contact person and phone number
Agency Approval letter
The date and time of the project
Module 5 Assignment
Educational Brochure
Design an educational flyer or brochure about the flu, HIV, hepatitis, or a sexually transmitted infection. In addition to the flyer/brochure, write a brief report and identify your audience and why you selected your topic. Discuss how you would distribute or present your information.
Use three references (minimum) to support the data in your flyer/brochure.
Module 6 Assignment 1
Introduction to Incident Command System
Take the course at the following site:
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2013). IS-100.B: Introduction to Incident Command System, ICS-100. Links to an external site.
When you have completed the course, take the final exam. Locate the final exam in the right navigation menu of the website. When you get your results, upload your certificate.
Module 6 Assignment 2
Disaster Management and Preparedness Assessment
Explore the following websites:
Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response. Prepare Your Health.Links to an external site.
Disaster and Emergency Planning. Ready in 3. Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
And review the video below:
Nicholas Comninellis, MD. (2012). From Rescue to Self Reliance. Vimeo.
After viewing the resources, review and assess the Disaster Preparedness Plan for a community of your choice. Write a paper 3-5 pages on how it functions from a public health perspective. What roles do nurses serve during a disaster? Describe the relationship between EMS and other disaster response agencies such as fire, police, etc. Do you think the organization has created a viable, strategic plan of response that would serve well in the event of a disaster? Why or why not?
Module 8 Assignment
Culture of Health Project Evaluation
Project Evaluation (50 points)
Within 7 days of the completion of the project, the group will provide a written evaluation of the project to the faculty. The evaluation is to be in APA format but should not exceed 5 pages in length.
The following information should be included in the evaluation:
State which objectives were met and include substantiation of your answer either via the evaluation tool or anecdotal information. (20 points)
State what went well in your project. (10 points)
State what could have gone better. What happened that you did not anticipate? How did you handle it? (10 points)
What revisions would you make to the offerings? (10 points)
Family Health Risks Project
While this assignment is introduced during Module 5, it will be due at the end of Module 7.
You will create a PowerPoint presentation that could be presented to a community to address five family health risks. In it, make sure to complete the following:
Identify five family health risks.
How would you go about reducing these risks?
What sort of laws, ordinances, or policies have a direct/indirect effect on these risks?
Solution: MARYVILLE NUR416 Complete Course Latest 2023 January (Full)