MARYVILLE NUR416 Module 3 Assignment Latest 2023 January

Module 3 Assignment
Windshield Survey/Community Assessment Project
Last Module, you identified a community in which to conduct a windshield survey. This Module, you will conduct, analyze and complete a windshield survey/community assessment that includes basic demographic information for the chosen community.
You may work in groups or individually on the project. A geopolitical community should be selected for the assessment. To complete this project, you'll need to complete the following tasks:
Complete the Windshield Survey Outline. (35 points)
Identify problems and rank them using the problem prioritizing criteria. (20 points)
Develop goals and objectives for your top two identified problems. (20 points)
Identify intervention activities for each of your goals and objectives. (15 points)
Discuss evaluation methods and strategies for the proposed intervention activities. (10 points)
An example of a windshield survey/community assessment has been provided.

Solution: MARYVILLE NUR416 Module 3 Assignment Latest 2023 January