Week 6 Discussion 1 - Mike is a 46-year-old who presents
Question # 00836992
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Updated on: 01/11/2023 12:03 AM Due on: 01/11/2023

Week 6 Discussion 1
Discussion Question 1
Mike is a 46-year-old who presents with a complaint of "heartburn" for 3 months. He describes the pain as burning and it is located in the epigastric area. The pain improves after he takes an antacid or drinks milk. He has been taking either over-the-counter (OTC) famotidine or ranitidine off and on for the past 2 months and he still has recurring epigastric pain. He has lost 6 lb since his last visit.
His examination is unremarkable. His blood pressure (BP) is 118/72. Laboratory values are normal complete blood count (CBC) and a positive serum Helicobacter pylori test.
- What would you prescribe initially?
- How long would you prescribe these medications?
- What other possible meds could you prescribe to assist with the side effects from the medications prescribed?
- How would the treatment vary if the patient has GERD instead?

Solution: Week 6 Discussion 1 - Mike is a 46-year-old who presents