Module 5 - Poetry Analysis Essay

Question # 00844870 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 08/18/2023 12:19 AM Due on: 08/18/2023
Subject English Topic General English Tutorials:
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Module 5: Poetry Analysis Essay

In this course, students learn how to hone their writing to articulate their arguments better, conduct research and evaluate sources, record their research in an academic paper, and deliver their findings in a presentation format. In the assignments in this course, students will demonstrate what they have learned by selecting a research topic, choosing their sources, developing their argument, writing a research paper, and delivering a final project. 

In this activity, you will apply the acquired knowledge to write a Poetry Analysis Essay that complies with the format presented in the module.

1. Read and hear the poem "Perfect" by Maia Mayor, available at: to an external site.

2. Used the guidelines discussed in this module to write a Poetry Analysis Essay about that poem.

3. Make sure to use the standard 5 paragraph essay format for this assignment.

4. Submit the assignment by the due date for evaluation. 

Grading Criteria

· Quality of presentation of the substantive issues demonstrates an understanding of the topic and knowledge of the topic

· Writing level: writing is clear concise, and arguments are logical

· Citations: appropriate use of relevant sources


Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00840337 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 08/18/2023 12:20 AM
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