Education Excel Pivot Tables Assignment
Education Excel PivotTables Assignment
Excel PivotTables Assignment (10 Points)
An Excel PivotTable is used to present Excel information in a table format. The idea is that you can click drop down lists and change the data that is being displayed (hence, you may “pivot” information into and out of the table). For example, in a teacher’s grade book, you may choose just one student from a drop-down list of students, and then display only the one student’s scores.
In this assignment, you watch two videos, and then complete a short PivotTable exercise. Place your completed PivotTable exercise file in this week’s D2L Assignment dropbox.
1st Video: Pivot Table Excel Tutorial by Kevin Stratford
The first video shows how PivotTables may be used to display a company’s inventory. Do not try to memorize the specific steps being demonstrated, just focus on how the presenter “pivots” information into and out of the PivotTable depending upon the information he wants to display.
Click this link to view the first 13.5-minute YouTube video:
2nd Video and Assignment: Excel 2016– Intro to Pivot Tables by GCF Global
Although the video is based on the 2016 version of Excel, the same steps are followed when using the current version of Excel.
Display the GCF Global Excel 2016 – Intro to PivotTables web page by clicking on the link below (or access the link directly from your browser). If needed, choose your desired cookie option, then complete the steps listed below.
1. Read the introductory paragraphs and watch the video.
2. Near the top of the Web page, click the practice workbook link to download the practice workbook.
3. Save the file as Lastname_Firstname_PIVOTTABLES.xlsx.
4. Read the Using PivotTables to answer questions paragraphs to review an introduction to PivotTables.
5. Read and complete the seven steps in the To create a PivotTable: section:
a. After you complete step 7 in this section, your PivotTable should look like the one shown in step 7 on the Web page.
b. For our purposes, you do not need to change the number format to Currency.
6. Read and complete the steps in the Pivoting data section.
a. When you add the Month field to the COLUMNS setting, your PivotTable should look like the one in step 2 of this section.
7. Read and complete the steps in the To change a row or column: section.
a. Complete steps 1 and 2 in this section. When you complete these steps, your PivotTable should look like the one in step 3 of this section (the same PivotTable is shown below).
· You will have completed the assignment when your PivotTable looks like the illustration below:
b. Students do not need to complete the steps in the Challenge! section at the bottom of the web page.
8. Save your completed Lastname_Firstname_PIVOTTABLES.xlsx file
9. Upload your file into this week’s D2L Assignment dropbox.
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Solution: Education Excel Pivot Tables Assignment