Discussion: Project Evaluation, Describe how will you measure
Question # 00821804
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Updated on: 03/28/2022 11:39 PM Due on: 03/29/2022
Discussion: Project Evaluation
The purpose of this discussion is to explore the project evaluation phase of the project planning process. It is also important that the team who is developing and implementing the project has a unified vision of how they intend to define "success" and that this measure is placed against outcomes before the team disbands and moves on.
Reflect upon your readings and professional experience and address the following.
- 1- Describe how will you measure the success of your DNP project. *( My DNP project will be a case study about the impact of implementing telehealth follow-up protocol for young adults missing appointments from an STDs clinic over eight weeks.
- 2- For your own particular project, what are the parameters that you will review to determine success?
Solution: Discussion: Project Evaluation, Describe how will you measure