Bethel university CRM2100 unit 1 asisgnment
Bethel university - Leadership in customer service:
Read "Spotlight on Management" on pages 29-41 and the practice lesson "The Real World" on page 42. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):
1 What changed with Alex between the two parts of the case?
2 How could Alex continue to improve as a leader?
3 Create a development action plan for your own leadership strengths as well as areas in which you need to improve. Outline concrete goals and explain how you plan to achieve those goals.
4 How can you apply Alex's learning experience to your own leadership?
Solution: Bethel university CRM2100 unit 1 asisgnment