CRIJ 4300 Organized Crime
Question # 00708572
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Updated on: 07/30/2018 12:50 AM Due on: 07/30/2018

ESSAY We have learned a good bit about the mental disposition of high profile narcos. There are some patterns in their behavior. Describe some of these patterns? How can these patterns be used to gather intelligence and engineer social situations that are disadvantageous and tiresome to narcos like Escobar or El Chapo ultimately resulting in liquidation of the target. Be sure to cover the the following items in your response: Objectives/Goals, International Borders, Politics, Legality, Mass Corruption, and Public Image. 3-5 pages typed, double spaced, APA style 3-5 typed, double spaced pages. The cover and reference pages do no not count in the 3-5 pages. You must have 3-5 pages of actual dialog.......cites and references needed

Solution: CRIJ 4300 Organized Crime