Criminal justice 3310 foundations discussion

Question # 00604512 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 10/16/2017 03:20 AM Due on: 10/16/2017
Subject Law Topic Administrative Law Tutorials:
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1. Many grievances caused the American Revolution? Explain the background of one of these grievances that someone else has not already explained in this discussion thread.

2. Describe some of the circumstances in the New World that lead to prisons being used as punishment rather than a holding cage for the condemned. Elaborate on a circumstance than has not already been covered on this discussion thread.

3. Explain one of the reasons the Sir Robert Peel wanted to avoid using a militarized model of policing. Make sure you do not repeat what someone else has already posted.

4. The American frontier also posed many law enforcement problems vigilantism. Take a look at this factual historical account.
At what point is vigilantism justified and at what point does it reach the point of diminishing marginal returns? Make sure you do not repeat something someone else has already posted.

5. Explain any one topic of content enumerated in the 14th Amendment, to whom, and how it is applied to civil rights cases. Make sure you do not repeat something someone else has already posted.
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00602968 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 10/16/2017 03:20 AM
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