Tips for Managing a Hospital - You are the Manager/CEO of a hospital and you convinced

Question # 00596791 Posted By: katetutor Updated on: 09/29/2017 02:55 AM Due on: 09/29/2017
Subject Law Topic Administrative Law Tutorials:
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Tips for Managing a Hospital
You are the Manager/CEO of a hospital and you convinced the Board to proceed with hiring three physicians as employees. describing what three type of physician specialists you would hire and why. What are the legal parameters to consider, how would you establish compensation guarantees, what productivity standards and referral expectations would you consider, where would these physicians practices be located, and any other operational/administrative issues to discuss?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00595108 Posted By: katetutor Posted on: 09/29/2017 02:55 AM
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    The solution of Tips for Managing a Hospital - You are the Manager/CEO of a hospital and you convinced...
    As_the_CEO_of_a_hospital.docx (26.26 KB)
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