Bellevue University BA222 Indiana Travel
Question # 00706867
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Updated on: 07/17/2018 06:24 AM Due on: 07/17/2018

Illustrating Travel Data for the Indiana Department of Tourism problem on p 215 of our text. Follow all 5 steps. TheIndiana.xlsx file is located in this folder.
Determining Effective Data Display with'Case ProblemsLevel 1 - Illustrating Travel Data for the Indiana Department of Tourism As a travel industry consultant, you have been working for the state of Indiana Department of Tourism. The department manager has asked you to present a report on where Indiana residents travel to and where Indiana visitors come from. The modes of transportation must also be presented. You will also include some information from a survey that your firm has recently completed. The travel survey is located in the workbook named Indiana.xlsx.Complete the following:1. Open the workbook named Indiana.xlsx in the Chapter 3 folder, and then sase :t Indiana Travel.xlsx.
2. Create a bar chart to illustrate the differences in Trips per fraveier and Miles per Traveler of the average Indiana resident, the average U.S resident, and tiic average Indiana visitor.
3. Create a bar chart to illustrate a state-by-state comparison of the number of reside:1: \ from the rest of the nation who visit Indiana, and the number of Indiana residents who visit other states. Rank the information in this chart byLi I e states %vith the most visitors to Indiana.
4. The Indiana Department of Tourism is very interested in learning more about how people travel in Indiana. 'They want to use this information to better target advertising to specific demographic groups and methods of travel. Use the appropriate chart or series of charts to illustrate how people travel; the purpose of their travel; and their income levels, age, and gentler. This infOrmation should be presented for people who live within the state and those visiting the state with a comparison between the two groups. sā¢ Save and close the Indiana Travel.xlsx workbook.
Travel Characteristics for Indiana and the
United States: 2003 and 2013
Indiana United States 2003 2013 Percent change 2003 2013 Percent change People who live in area
Indiana United States 2003 2013 Percent change 2003 2013 Percent change People who live in area
Percent traveling households 72.3 81.2 12.3% 80.1 89 11.1% Trips per household 4 5 25.0% 4.5 6.1 35.6% Trips per traveling household 6 6.8 13.3% 6.4 7.7 20.3%
Trips per capita 2.4 4.3 79.2% 2.7 4.4 63.0% Trips per traveler 2.6 4.7 80.8% 4.4 5.4 22.7% Miles per traveler 1688.6 3,246 92.2% 3,155 4,386 39.0% Miles per trip 469.5 762 62.3% 788.7 920 16.6%
People who visit area
Trips per traveler 4.2 5.5 31.0% 4.4 5.4 22.7% Miles per traveler 2,183 3,114 42.7% 3,155 4,386 39.0% Miles per trip 579.6 637.4 10.0% 788.7 920 16.6%
Indiana United States 2003 2013 Percent change 2003 2013 Percent change People who live in area
Indiana United States 2003 2013 Percent change 2003 2013 Percent change People who live in area
Percent traveling households 72.3 81.2 12.3% 80.1 89 11.1% Trips per household 4 5 25.0% 4.5 6.1 35.6% Trips per traveling household 6 6.8 13.3% 6.4 7.7 20.3%
Trips per capita 2.4 4.3 79.2% 2.7 4.4 63.0% Trips per traveler 2.6 4.7 80.8% 4.4 5.4 22.7% Miles per traveler 1688.6 3,246 92.2% 3,155 4,386 39.0% Miles per trip 469.5 762 62.3% 788.7 920 16.6%
People who visit area
Trips per traveler 4.2 5.5 31.0% 4.4 5.4 22.7% Miles per traveler 2,183 3,114 42.7% 3,155 4,386 39.0% Miles per trip 579.6 637.4 10.0% 788.7 920 16.6%

Solution: Bellevue University BA222 Indiana Travel