Bellevue University BA222 Industry Trends

Question # 00706853 Posted By: shortone Updated on: 07/17/2018 06:03 AM Due on: 07/17/2018
Subject Computer Science Topic Algorithms Tutorials:
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Bellevue University BA222 Industry Trends
The 10-Year Participation p 182 of our text SUCCEEDING IN BUSINESS WITH EXCEL. The Trends.xlsx file (use 10-Year Participation worksheet) is located in this folder.

Determining Effective Data Display with Charts
Steps To Success: level 1 In these steps, von need to prepare some charts showing trends in the sporting g,in β€žis industry. A workbook containing a variety of infOrmation on industry- wide trends already been created. You will begin with data showing the number of people who part, ipate in a variety of sports and activities.
Complete the following:
1. Open the workbook named Trends.xlsx located in the Chapter 3 'Older, and Men save it as Industry Trends.xlsx. Review the data sets on the four worksheets. You need to determine the most important information in each worksheet and select the best method for displaying that information in a chart. Remember that charts can be used to display single data series, compare multiple data series, show trends, and com-pare the percentage contribution to the whole. 2. The 2013 Participation worksheet contains participation data for a variety of spans, ranked in descending order by the values in the Total column. Create one column chart, one bar chart, and one line chart from the data. Place each chart on the same worksheet as the source data. In an area below each chart, explain what the chart type emphasizes about the data. Select which chart is the best choice for comparing each sport's participation level. Place this chart on a separate chart sheet named 2013 Par-ticipation Chart as the first worksheet in the Industry Trends workbook, and add appropriate y-axis and chart tides to finalize this chart. Return to the 2013 Participation worksheet, and in an area below the chart you selected to place on the chart sheet, explain the advantages and any disadvantages of this chart. 3. The 10-Year Participation worksheet contains sports participation data over a 10-year period, with values shown for every other year, for a variety of sports. Add sparklincs for each sport category in the worksheet. Highlight the high, low, and last data point in each of the sparklincs. Create an appropriate chart to illustrate the participation changes in each sport over the 10-year period. I'lace this chart on the same worksheet as the source data. Add appropriate tides and a legend to finalize the chart. To the right of the chart, compare the information provided by the sparklincs with that pro-vided by your chart. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each in this specific instance.
4. The Female Sports Participation worksheet shows the changes in female sports par-ticipation between 2008 and 2013. Create an appropriate chart that shows die changing trends in the percentage of female participation in each sport. Place thischart on the same worksheet as the source data. Add appropriate titles uo finalize the chart. In a cell below the char, explain the advantages and any disadvantages of the chart type you chose.

2013 Participation - Ranked by Total Participation

Participated more than once (in millions)

Seven (7) years of age and older

Sport Total

Exercise Walking 86.776

Camping (vacation/overnight) 65.832

Swimming 56.076

Exercising with Equipment 55.216

Fishing 54.412

Bowling 40.712

Bicycle Riding 40.124

Billiards/Pool 38.736

Hiking 34.728

Aerobic Exercising 33.320

Basketball 32.564

Golf 30.940

Weight Lifting 29.304

Boating, Motor/Power 25.348

Running/Jogging 24.848

Roller Skating (in-line) 22.212

Dart Throwing 21.676

Baseball 18.688

Backpack/Wilderness Camp 17.524

Mountain Biking (on road) 16.452

Soccer 15.740


Scooter Riding 14.980

Volleyball 14.660

Tennis 13.668

Football (touch) 13.420

Skateboarding 13.124

Mountain Biking (off road) 10.472

Canoeing 10.376

Skiing (alpine) 9.550

Football (tackle) 9.536

T'ai Chi/Yoga 9.424

Paintball Games 8.670

Water Skiing 8.330

Snowboarding 6.880

Martial Arts 4.208

Archery (target) 3.536

Skiing (cross country) 3.476

Hockey (ice) 3.420

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  1. Tutorial # 00706722 Posted By: shortone Posted on: 07/17/2018 06:04 AM
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