cmis102 Homework 2

Question # 00660303 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 03/12/2018 03:18 AM Due on: 03/12/2018
Subject Computer Science Topic Algorithms Tutorials:
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Homework 2 – Test Case Creation

Using the following pseudocode, provide 5 unique test cases that would help validate your

algorithm. Be sure to place the test cases in a table showing the input values, and expected output

for each test case.

Write "Enter the price in dollars:"

Input Price

Write "Enter state sales tax(e.g. .06) :"

Input SalesTax

Set Price = Price + (Price * SalesTax)

Write "Price with Tax is" + Price

Submit your word or PDF file to your assignments folder no later than the due date.

Grading guidelines


A minimum of 5 test cases were provided.

Input provided and explained for each test case.

Expected output provided and explained for each test case.

Test cases represent a wide variety of possible input values (e.g. large numbers,

small numbers (0), negative, or unexpected non-number entries (%,”hello”…).








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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00659242 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 03/12/2018 03:18 AM
    Puchased By: 3
    Tutorial Preview
    The solution of cmis102 Homework 2...
    Homework_2_VallejomunozJuan.docx (343.03 KB)
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    je...101 Rating Very quick and supportive tutor response 04/12/2018

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