Capella IT3315 unit 3 assignment
Question # 00606094
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Updated on: 10/20/2017 01:16 PM Due on: 10/20/2017

- Compare and contrast the different Intel processors in Android phone and tablets.
- Practice converting between decimal and binary. This is the language of the computer, so you need this skill to understand how a computer works.
- You are welcome to use the Capella University library and the Internet to research for this; however, this is not required.
Write a paper that is 3â€"5 pages in length. In your paper:- Compare and contrast the different Intel processors in Android devices (phones and tablets).
- Create a table of 32-bit word lengths that shows decimal 0-100 in both binary and hexadecimal. For example, decimal 1 is 00000000000000000000000000000001 in binary.
- Show how you convert a decimal to binary, binary to hexadecimal, hexadecimal to binary, and decimal to hexadecimal. For example, 2 in decimal is 000000000000000000000000000010 in binary and 2 in hexadecimal.
- Describe how the concepts and activities presented in the labs this week relate to this assignment

Solution: Capella IT3315 unit 3 assignment