UOP RES710 2022 August Assignments Latest (Full)

RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 1 Assignment
Summative Assessment: Course Project – Variables and Levels of Measurement
This week you will begin a series of worksheets needed to complete a course project/mock study, which is due in Week 8. In this first worksheet, you will incorporate knowledge gained through this week’s discussion with your instructor and peers to set the foundational elements for your course project/mock study.
Using this week’s Discussion 2 as a guide, complete the Course Project Worksheet – Variables and Levels of Measurement.
Refer to How to Extract GSS Data from Excel or How to Extract Data to Excel Using the Library for help with this assignment.
Ensure your assignment addresses the criteria in the grading rubric.
Submit your assignment.
Course Project Worksheet– Variables and Levels of Measurement
Complete the following tables.
General Research Information
Student Name: [Enter text here.]
Topic:[Enter text here.]
Revised Research Question: (Use the discussion posts and feedback from your instructor, classmates, or other considerations.)
[Enter text here.]
Hypothesis: (Use the discussion posts and feedback from your instructor, classmates, or other considerations.)
[Enter text here.]
Null Hypothesis: (Use the discussion posts and feedback from your instructor, classmates, or other considerations.)
[Enter text here.]
Independent Variables
Independent Variables (IVs) Justification for IV
Level of Measurement
Justification for Level of Measurement
[List Independent Variable 1] [Enter your response here. Why do you think this variable acts as an independent variable in your study? Be sure to use your text to support your points.]
[Enter your response here. Is the level of measurement nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?]
[Enter your response here. Why is the level of measurement correct? Be sure to use your text to support your points.]
[List Independent Variable 2] [Enter your response here. Why do you think this variable acts as an independent variable in your study? Be sure to use your text to support your points.]
[Enter your response here. Is the level of measurement nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?]
[Enter your response here. Why is the level of measurement correct? Be sure to use your text to support your points.]
Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable (DV) Justification for DV
Level of Measurement
Justification for Level of Measurement
[List Dependent Variable] [Enter your response here. Why do you think this variable acts as a dependent variable in your study? Be sure to use your text to support your points.] [Enter your response here. Is the level of measurement nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio?] [Enter your response here. Why is the level of measurement correct? Be sure to use your text to support your points.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 2 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet – Frequency Tables and Histograms
Complete Parts 1 and 2 below.
Part 1: Frequency Tables
Using your dataset chosen in Week 1, use Excel to complete frequency data runs for each of your variables. Then, describe each frequency table directly referencing the data in the table.
Paste your frequency tables in the appropriate sections below. Be sure to followproper APA guidelines for each table and describe the results. Each frequency table should be described in about a paragraph and should directly reference the table.
Frequency Table for Independent Variable 1
Independent Variable 1 Name:[Enter independent variable 1 here.]
Frequency Table:
[Paste your frequency table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Frequency Table for Independent Variable 2
Independent Variable 2 Name:[Enter independent variable 2 here.]
Frequency Table:
[Paste your frequency table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Frequency Table for Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable Name:[Enter dependent variable here.]
Frequency Table:
[Paste your frequency table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Part 2: Histograms and Graphs
Using the same data you selected in Week 1, develop a histogram and assess the distribution of each variable. Consider why the distribution of the data is important.
Paste your histograms in the appropriate sections below. Be sure to follow proper APA guidelines for each histogram and describe the results. Each histogram should be described in about a paragraph and should directly reference the histogram.
Histogram for Independent Variable 1
Independent Variable 1 Name: [Enter independent variable 1 here.]
[Paste your histogram here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Histogram for Independent Variable 2
Independent Variable 2 Name:[Enter independent variable 2 here.]
[Paste your histogram here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Histogram for Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable Name: [Enter dependent variable here.]
[Paste your histogram here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
[List references for Part 1 and 2 according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 3 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet – Mean, Median, and Mode
Complete Parts A and B below.
Part A
Using the three variables you chose in Week 1, complete the following for each of your variables:
1. Using Excel, calculate the mean, median, and mode for each variable.
2. Create APA formatted tables to represent the mean, median, and mode of each variable. Copy and paste each table below.
3. Explain/summarize the output for each variable.
Note: You might have to recode your variables prior to completing this assignment. See Calculating Mean, Median, and Mode in Excel for the step-by-step process.
Independent Variable 1
Independent Variable 1 Name: [Enter independent variable 1 here.]
Descriptive Statistics Table:
[Paste your table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Independent Variable 2
Independent Variable 2 Name: [Enter independent variable 2 here.]
Descriptive Statistics Table:
[Paste your table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Dependent Variable
Dependent Variable Name: [Enter dependent variable here.]
Descriptive Statistics Table:
[Paste your table here.]
Summary and Description:
[Enter your summary and description here.]
Part B
Respond to the following questions.
1. What are some considerations for choosing a measure of central tendency?
[Enter your response here.]
2. What impact do variable types have on testing when considering central tendency?
[Enter your responses here.]
3. Which measure of central tendency was most appropriate for each of your variables? Why?
[Enter your response here.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 4 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet – Measures of Variability
Using Figure 4.7,How to Choose a Measure of Variation, on p. 164 of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society, determine the correct measure of variability based on the levels of measurement for your variables from Week 1 and complete the following worksheet.
Independent Variable 1
Justification: (State the measure of variation chosen and why.)
[Enter your response here.]
Level of Measurement: (List the level of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.)
[Enter your response here.]
Measure of Variation Table:
[Paste the Measure of Variation Table here.]
Summary of Table Results: (Summarize the table results.)
[Enter your response here.]
Independent Variable 2
Justification: (State the measure of variation chosen and why.)
[Enter your response here.]
Level of Measurement: (List the level of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.)
[Enter your response here.]
Measure of Variation Table:
[Paste the Measure of Variation Table here.]
Summary of Table Results: (Summarize the table results.)
[Enter your response here.]
Dependent Variable
Justification: (State the measure of variation chosen and why.)
[Enter your response here.]
Level of Measurement: (List the level of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.)
[Enter your response here.]
Measure of Variation Table:
[Paste the Measure of Variation Table here.]
Summary of Table Results: (Summarize the table results.)
[Enter your response here.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 5 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet – Calculating Sample Sizes Using G* Power
Using the G* power website, download the free software and conduct a G* power analysis using the provided data.
There are 4 types of power analysis (a priori, post-hoc, criterion, and sensitivity). For the purposes of this class, we will focus on a priori power analysis since it is most commonly used when designing a research study (Hunt, n.d.).
Using the following parameters, complete a G* power analysis:
Alpha= .05
Power= .80
Expected Effect Size= In Week 2 Discussion 2, we practiced using the “Which Stats Test” Sage Tool.
Refer to the statistical test determined using that tool and select the large effect size for the appropriate test. (Note: if you aren’t sure which test to use, you can use the t-test family, correlation). You will not lose points for choosing the incorrect test. The point here is to determine a test, input the parameters into G*power, and explain the results.
Figure 1 – Effect Size Benchmarks
Statistic Small Medium Large
Means – Cohen’s d 0.2 0.5 0.8
ANOVA – f 0.1 0.25 0.4
ANOVA – eta squared 0.01 0.06 0.14
Regression f-test 0.02 0.15 0.35
Correlation – r or point serial 0.1 0.3 0.5
Correlation – r squared 0.01 0.06 0.14
Association – 2 x 2 table – OR 1.5 3.5 9
Association – Chi-square – w or Phi 0.1 0.3 0.5
Source: Hunt. (n.d.). A researcher’s guide to power analysis. Utah State University. Retrieved from https://research.usu.edu/irb/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2015/08/A_Researchers_Guide_to_Power_Analysis_USU.pdf
G* Power Analysis
Variables: (Identify the variables used.)
[Enter your response here.]
Test Family and Statistical Test: (Identify the test family and statistical test used.)
[Enter your response here.]
G*Power Output:
[Copy and paste your G*Power output here.]
Output Parameters: (Explain each of the output parameters.)
[Enter your response here.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 6 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet –Choosing the Correct Statistical Test
An important component to hypothesis testing is choosing the appropriate test to compute the test statistic. In the second column, define and explain statistical test listed in the first column. Be sure to note when each test is used, why you would choose this test, and what the output tells us. Be sure to provide a rationale for each test choice, including variable types. Then in the third column, specify what level(s) of measurement each test is used with.
Statistical Test Definition/Explanation Levels of Measurement
Basic T-Test
Independent Sample T-Test
Paired T-Test
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)Test
Regression Test
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 7 Assignment
Course Project Worksheet – Using Excel for Statistical Testing
Last week’s assignment required a review of various statistical tests. Earlier this week, in Discussion 1, you explored which test might be most appropriate given your chosen variables. Now is your time to practice running the statistical test and analyzing the data. Complete each of the items below:
1. Which statistical test (T-Test, ANOVA, Chi-Square, or Regression) did you choose for your variables?
[Enteryour response here.]
2. Explain why you chose this test.
[Enteryour response here.]
3. Next, using Excel (refer to the handouts from this week for step-by-step instructions), run the statistical test you chose above and paste the output below.
[Paste Excel output here.]
4. Analyze the results.
[Enteryour response here.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
RES710 Statistical Research Methods And Design I
Week 8 Assignment
Final Course Project Worksheet and Reflection
Complete Parts A and B below.
Part A: Final Course Project Worksheet
Part Aof this worksheet provides you the opportunity to synthesize your work from the entire term into a comprehensive project. Complete each section below. You will use the information from each week throughout the class (revised in line with feedback from your instructor) to paste in the appropriate material and summary. The format of this part of the worksheet is similar to what you would find as the required structure in a peer-reviewed journal.
Project Title
[From Week 1]
[Enter your name.]
[Use this area to provide a brief introduction to your topic. Remember to use sources (Hint: Review and use the information from Week 7 Discussion 2).]
Research Question
[from Week 1]
Null and Alternate Hypothesis
[from Weeks 1 and 2]
Independent Variables and Levels of Measurement
[from Week 1]
Dependent Variable and Levels of Measurement
[from Week 1]
Population and Sample
[Discuss the origin of your data by offering a brief background.
Also, (from Week 5) use G* Power to calculate sample size.]
Descriptive Statistics
[from Week 2 and Week 3 frequency tables, histogram, mean, median, mode, etc. (Be sure to post the tables AND summarize each table and chart.)]
Measures of Variability
[from Week 4 – Remember to paste the output AND summarize the results.]
Measures of Association and Tests of Significance
[from Weeks 6 and 7 – Remember to paste the output AND summarize the results.]
[Provide a 1- to 2-page overview of the results. Synthesize the findings and analyze the results as a whole.]
[Provide a brief conclusion discussing study implications and areas for future research.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]
Part B: Reflection
Part Bof this worksheet provides you with the opportunity for critical thinking and scholarly reflection. Respondto the three prompts below. You should provide a rationale and discussion for each test. You should clearly make the connection between each week of the course and how the topics build together. Be sure that yourreflection is supported with references to course material.
• How does the type of data drive statistical tests used?
[Enter your response here.]
• Why is it important to understand the types of data, research question, hypotheses, etc. prior to determining which statistical test is most appropriate?
[Enter your response here.]
• Reflect on your experience in this class. What information did you find most useful? How will you apply this information moving forward in your academic or professional life?
[Enter your response here.]
[List references according to APA guidelines.]

Solution: UOP RES710 2022 August Assignments Latest (Full)