The main goal of any communication is to determine

Question # 00844436 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 08/07/2023 07:52 PM Due on: 08/08/2023
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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The main goal of any communication is to determine what message needs to be delivered and how to deliver it clearly and concisely to the intended audience. For this discussion, research the web and the SNHU Library databases to discover support for how we identify what message needs to be delivered to the intended audience and what methods we should employ to deliver the message concisely and with the highest level of clarity. In your initial post, complete the following:

· List at least one resource in APA style.

· Briefly summarize the main ideas from the resource.

· Explain how this resource can be used to identify what message needs to be delivered to the audience and/or what methods we should employ to deliver the message clearly and concisely.

In your responses to your peers, compare and contrast your findings with the findings of your peers. Are there any additional ways, other than those mentioned by your peers, that this resource can be used to identify what message needs to be delivered to the audience? What methods we should employ to deliver the message clearly and concisely?



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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00839904 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 08/07/2023 07:52 PM
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