Assignment 1&2 - What is the importance of ratings

Question # 00843357 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 07/10/2023 08:35 PM Due on: 07/11/2023
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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Assignment 1

Apa format

Each assignment must have its own reference

· What is the importance of ratings? What about advertisers? Why does it matter which network or channel or outlet a show is on?

· Prepare to view, and look up, at least one show from the Bianculli book or from the lists in the Television Resource Library.

· Answer the following questions:

1. When did it originally air?

2. What network, cable channel, or streaming service was they originally on?

3. What were the ratings?

4. How did you watch it?

5. How are the ratings on the service you watched it on?

6. What larger entity owned that at the time (if any)?

7. Who owns it now? (for instance, ABC television was purchased by Disney in 1995)

8. Why does who owns a channel, network, or streaming service matter?

9. Please quote and correctly cite the assigned Mittell or Bianculli readings in at least one of your postings.

10. Locate relevant articles regarding television ratings and/or ownership. Search multiple library databases for "television" and "ratings" or "network" and "ownership" along with the specific show you watched. For this exercise you may use articles from newspapers or popular/industry magazines. Provide a link and a reference to your articles in your discussion so your classmates may also read your resources.




Assignment 2

APA format

Find an article from within the past month from one of the acceptable outlets (see list below) and post it. It may be about a show you watch, a genre, a TV technology, a personality, a controversy or something else. Explain why you think it is interesting, correctly cite it (including a link that opens in a new window), and ask the rest of the class an open-ended question about it (not yes/no but something that will prompt discussion).

Acceptable outlets for non-scholarly articles include:

a. The New York Times

b. The Washington Post

c. The New Yorker

d. Entertainment Weekly

e. The Hollywood Reporter

f. Variety

g. The AV Club's TV Club (The Onion’s media discussion board)

h. Slate

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00838822 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 07/10/2023 08:35 PM
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