Communication - How are the transmission, interaction

Question # 00837991 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/01/2023 11:21 PM Due on: 02/02/2023
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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1. How are the transmission, interaction, and transaction models different? You must provide an example of each in your response (ones not mentioned in the chapter).

2. Explain how social, relational, and cultural contexts frame and influence how we communicate. In your response, provide an example of each (ones not mentioned in the chapter).

3. Think of a person you perceive to be a competent communicator based on the definition. Briefly describe how this person matches/exemplifies the requirements of a competent communicator.

4. Take the Communication Competency Survey which can be found in the attachment below. What is your area of strength? What are areas for improvement? What can you do to improve based on your reading?

5. Out of the four major perception errors (internal, external, fundamental, and self-serving) which do you think you fall prey to the most? Explain your answer with the definition of the error that applies to you and provide an example from your life.

6. Take the Big Five test at . Do not do the optional section at the bottom. What were your overall results for each of the five areas? Do you think this accurately represents you? Why or why not?

7. Recount a recent communication encounter that you feel you did not handle effectively. How could you have used the three-step perception check to generate a positive result/encounter? What would you have done differently?

8. Think of a word that has a strong connotation (positive or negative) for you. How does the connotative meaning differ from the denotative meaning? How might your connotation differ from another person’s? How can this difference cause issues in understanding?

9. Describe a situation when you interpreted someone’s nonverbal incorrectly. What happened? Based on the improving competence with interpreting nonverbal messages section, what could you have done to improve your interpretation?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00833449 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/01/2023 11:22 PM
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