Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication

Question # 00835657 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/16/2022 08:53 PM Due on: 12/17/2022
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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Help With 303 Scenario Assignment

For each scenario, provide a thorough description of your communication actions. Consider each of the following components:

· Describe and justify the audience(s) for your communication.

· Describe and justify the format of the communication.

· Describe and justify the tone of the communication.

· Describe and justify any potential collaborative needs. If there are no collaborative needs then clearly justify that decision.

· Describe and justify points to be communicated.

· Describe the overarching purpose or goal of the communication.

For each scenario given below by major program of study, provide a thorough description of your communication actions.  Be sure to include a thorough response for each required component in each of your descriptions, and to submit your work as a  single document.


Choose 3 scenarios below, provide a thorough description of your communication actions on each. Consider the audience, tone, communication format, potential collaboration needs, and important points to be communicated. Submit your work as one single document. 

* Student 1 is a 5th grader and uses inappropriate language at school.  This is the third offense for this student.  Describe your communication actions.

* Student 2 is a 10th grader and is not participating in geometry class.  This student failed to submit two homework assignments.  Describe your communication actions.

* Student 3’s parent sent birthday invitations to be distributed to eight of the 22 students in the class. Describe your communication actions.

* After an impromptu observation, you receive an email from your administrator expressing concerns about classroom management.  Describe your communication actions.

* A colleague inquires about personal information related to a student in your class.  Describe your communication actions.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00831105 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/16/2022 08:54 PM
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