COM107 Unit 7 Assignment

Question # 00825974 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 06/17/2022 11:45 PM Due on: 06/18/2022
Subject Communications Topic General Communications Tutorials:
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Unit 7 Assignment: Informative Speech Presentation

COM107: Introduction to Communication


This project consists of two parts: a written outline and a presentation video. You have already developed a detailed outline in preparation for your speech. Now, you will deliver the informative speech via video presentation.


The intent/focus of your speech should be to inform the audience on a topic of your choosing. Keep in mind and incorporate all lectures/activities leading up to the presentation. Your presentation must be supported by a minimum of three credible sources - this excludes personal experience.

You may record the speech using your cell phone or webcam. You will then upload your video to Youtube, ensuring you select the “unlisted” option. This will keep your video private and allow access only to those who have the video link. You will then post the video link in the unit 7 informative speech assignment link.

The length of the speech should be 5 minutes and include:

  1. A clear visual aid
  2. An attention getter
  3. A thesis
  4. A preview of main points
  5. In speech citations of supporting materials (Say them out loud during your speech)
  6. A summary of points in the conclusion
  7. A memorable ending
  8. A works cited page

Optional: If you choose to, you can use a PowerPoint presentation along with your speech ( slide limit). Use the following tutorial to help you combine your video with your PowerPoint presentation using a free app called Bandicam.

Tips and Guidelines:

  • Pay attention to your presentation style. Be sure to speak loudly and clearly so the audience can hear you.
  • Record your video in a small, quiet space with plenty of light and be sure there is no audio feedback on the recording.
  • Position yourself in the center of the frame so your facial expressions and other body language are in clear view.
  • Dress appropriately for speaking in front of your peers.
  • Pay attention to the time requirements and stay within the limits.
  • Utilize the practice assignment in unit 6 to prepare for your presentation.


  • Speak clearly and concisely.

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00821435 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 06/17/2022 11:46 PM
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