The issue selected involves the care and protection of NYC's most vulnerable population Seniors.
Question # 00746826
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Updated on: 12/17/2019 01:10 PM Due on: 12/18/2019

Selected Issue
The issue selected involves the care and protection of NYC's most vulnerable population Seniors. The Allure Group is an organization that operates in the New York area; it has six skilled nursing facilities under its umbrella. The Allure Group has the very latest in healing technology and has shown great promise in their ability to help patients recover and rehabilitate from surgery, injury, and other medical events, such as heart attack or stroke.
The Assignment (2–3 pages):
- Outline/describe steps you would take to conduct a needs assessment.
- State which stakeholders you would contact and why you would contact each.
- Develop a stakeholder survey related to your professional or societal issue.
- The survey must be at least 10 questions.
- Provide a justification for each question on the survey.
- Provide a rationale for the type/format of questions on the survey.
- State how you would vary items on the survey based on the role of the stakeholders who would complete it (administration, leadership, staff, recipient of surveys).
Support your Application Assignment, citing all resources in APA style, including those in the Learning Resources.

Solution: The issue selected involves the care and protection of NYC's most vulnerable population Seniors.