states the client organization, selected country for expansion,

Countries - India and China need 5 pages. No need table of contents or front page I just need details about countries.
Title page
states the client organization, selected country for expansion, the client's products or services and value chain activity to be exported (if any)
date and your name
Table of contents
page numbers for each major section
Executive summary
- summarizes the results of your analysis and how you arrived at the recommendation
- belongs on a separate page from the introduction to the paper
4. Introduction (first page of paper body)
states the purpose of the paper
explains what the paper will do
introduces the industry, the organization's name, and the countries compared,
5. Country comparison (compare country A and B within each of these categories;
PESTEL ANALYSIS of market OPPORTUNITY (Economic value)
- opportunity assessment for value chain activities (if any) for expansion
- assessment of product/service market potential in countries
- Opportunity support factors
- Support for client operational needs
- THREAT analysis
- Country threats (PESTEL)
- Threat from Industry forces in country
- Level of Competitive threat
- Primary competitors
- threats to client operational needs
6. Recommended threat mitigation strategies
7. Conclusion
one- or two-page summary of the recommendations and rationale
8. Reference
APA-style reference page
9. Appendices

Solution: states the client organization, selected country for expansion,