SS250 Unit 6 Assign

Question # 00736100 Posted By: MrsDanielle2001 Updated on: 09/03/2019 11:10 PM Due on: 09/08/2019
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SS250 Unit 6 Assignment


Technology’s Influence on Student Peer Relationships

How different are your relationships with your peers in this online course from ones that students in traditional brick and mortar classrooms establish? In most cases, you will never meet face to face with any of the other students in this online course. There won’t be opportunities to meet up for study sessions or just to grab a cup of coffee after class. On the other hand, you do have opportunities every week to share ideas with almost all of your peers in this online course during Discussions and Seminars.

For this Assignment, you will write an essay that explains how technology has changed the relationship between student peers. Using online resources, personal experience, and/or anecdotal evidence that others have shared with you, compare and contrast student peer relationships in the online environment to relationships between student peers in a traditional ground campus setting.

Begin the essay with an introductory paragraph that explains what the essay will be about.

In the body of the essay, describe and provide examples of the similarities and differences between on ground and online student peer relationships in regard to 1) the opportunities for scholarly idea exchange, 2) study and support groups, and 3) social relationships.

In the conclusion, restate the main points made. Then, close the essay by explaining which learning environment you think is most conducive to building the type of peer relationships that appeal the most to you at this point in your life.

The essay must be between two (2) and three (3) pages long. You must include a title page and a reference page




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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00736162 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 09/04/2019 02:46 PM
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