Produced by The History Channel, "Leonardo da Vinci" (2006)

Question # 00734733 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 08/23/2019 02:55 AM Due on: 08/23/2019
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Produced by The History Channel, "Leonardo da Vinci" (2006) is a portrait of a genius of extraordinary diversity. This is a 10-part documentary; each part is around 9-10 minutes in length. After viewing part one below, go to and find parts 2-10 by searching for "da vinci documentary." Choose one other part of the documentary to view, then write a 500-word review and summary of what you learned, sharing your personal observations.  Option two: research the internet and find one or two websites which focus on Da Vinci. Write a 500 word report on interesting details on Da Vinci and his work that you have learned. Please include sources used in correct MLA format if using option two. One suggested website: 

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  1. Tutorial # 00734939 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 08/23/2019 02:55 AM
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