For this discussion, you will begin by selecting an Ancient Egyptian painting or sculpture from

Question # 00734939 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 08/24/2019 02:12 PM Due on: 08/24/2019
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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For this discussion, you will begin by selecting an Ancient Egyptian painting or sculpture from Chapter 3 of your textbook that exemplifies the culture’s stylistic conventions. Then, you will create an infographic that describes in detail what thematic and formal qualities define this style. 


Your infographic should contain around 200 words as well an image of the artwork you have selected (please see resource file below). You will also need to include appropriate citation text for your chosen art piece.

  • As you create your infographic, work towards a balance between text, images, and other graphics (icons, etc.) to avoid overpowering your written text.

For full credit, you must also respond to at least two of your classmates' posts. Each response should be around 25-50 words and add to the discussion in a respectful and meaningful way (i.e. posing questions, reflecting on their infographic, providing constructive criticism, etc.). All posts and responses should include evidence of familiarity with the assigned readings in addition to your personal reflections on the topic. Your writing must be well organized and contain correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.





In his Notebooks, Leonardo wrote:

“Whatever exists in the universe, in essence, in appearance, 

in the imagination, the painter has first in his mind and then in his hand; 

and these are of such excellence that they can present a proportioned 

and harmonious view of the whole, that can be seen simultaneously, 

at one glance, just as things in nature.”

What does Leonardo’s statement suggest about the role of the artist in the creative process during the High Renaissance? Select one High Renaissance work, and analyze how it reflects Leonardo’s ideas.


Your initial post should be around 200 words. For full credit, you must also respond to at least two of your classmates' posts. Each response should be around 25-50 words and add to the discussion in a respectful and meaningful way (i.e. posing questions, reflecting on their response, providing constructive criticism, etc.). All posts and responses should include evidence of familiarity with the assigned readings in addition to your personal reflections on the topic. Your writing must be well organized and contain correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.




For this discussion  you will write a response of 200-250 words to one of the topics listed below. Your short essay should include evidence of familiarity with the assigned readings in addition to your personal reflections on the topic. Your writing must be well organized and contain correct grammar, spelling and sentence structure. You will not need to perform outside research to write this reflection; after viewing the chapter module and completing the assigned reading for the week, respond thoughtfully with your reasoned and measured opinion, using the chapter materials as context.

Prompt 1

How did the Flemish painters’ mastery of oil paint affect the aesthetic style of Northern art?  Support your discussion with specific examples from the chapter.  

Prompt 2

How is Northern art characterized by a preoccupation with death and an interest in the supernatural? What are some of the causes of this preoccupation?

Prompt 3

Consider Marguerite de Navarre’s excerpt from the Heptameron (Reading 1, pp. 110-11). How does the Spanish wife’s reasoning in the story reflect the movement of Modern Devotion (discussed in Continuity and Change, p. 109)?

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