Question # 00004717
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Updated on: 12/05/2013 03:14 PM Due on: 12/31/2013

1. Compare and contrast the three major types of consumer problem-solving processes.
2. How does the level of involvement affect the type of consumer problem-solving process that
a person uses?
3. What can marketers do to reduce cognitive dissonance in a consumer who has just
purchased an expensive product?
4. Draw and label the consumer buying decision process and include the possible influences on
the process.
5. Why is it important for marketers to recognize the stages that a consumer goes through in
making a purchase decision?
6. Identify and describe the five major categories of situational influences.
7. In what ways can situational influences affect the consumer buying decision process?
8. Discuss how perceptual processes may influence the consumer buying decision process.
9. What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? How does it apply to the consumer buying decision
10. Why are consumer attitudes an important issue for marketers to study? Can attitudes be
changed easily by marketers? Explain.
11. In what ways does an individual's personality affect his or her buying behavior?
12. Discuss how reference groups and opinion leaders influence purchase behavior.
13. How does an individual's social class influence the products he or she buys?
14. Why is it important for marketers to understand the cultural and subcultural influences that
may affect the consumer buying decision process?
15. Compare and contrast the three major ethnic subcultures in the United States.
16. How have subcultures changed in the United States since 1990? How are the expected to
change in the upcoming years?
17. Abercrombie & Fitch is developing a program to get to know its customers. Which of the
following is not a reason why A&F needs to understand consumer buying behavior?
a) customer's reactions to marketing strategy can impact the firm's success
b) all customers are the same when it comes to buying behavior
c) a firm should create a marketing mix that satisfies customers
d) it helps the marketer predict how consumers will respond to marketing strategies
e) the marketing concept stresses that a firm should know its customers
18. Purchasers who intend to use or benefit from the purchased product and do not buy
products for business purposes are called the
a) ultimate consumers.
b) end-use consumption group.
c) business market.
d) household purchasing group.
e) organizational market.
19. Many aspects of consumer buying decisions are affected by the individual's level of
involvement. Level of involvement is
a) the importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation.
b) the buyer's perception, motives, and abilities.
c) the amount of external search that an individual puts into the decision-making process.
d) the particular circumstance or environment in which consumers find themselves.
e) a combination of an individual's demographic factors.
20. Justin is purchasing his third car in the past five years. He has been a car enthusiast ever
since he was a little boy. He likes to spend his free time looking at car magazines, going to car
shows, and watching NASCAR. Justin's interest in cars is referred to as
a) situational involvement.
b) dynamic involvement.
c) enduring involvement.
d) dynamic buying behavior.
e) situational buying behavior.
21. A major determining factor in deciding which type of problem-solving process should be
used depends on the individual's intensity of interest in a product and the importance of the product
for that person. This is known as an individual's
a) motivational structure.
b) routinized response behavior.
c) level of involvement.
d) cognitive dissonance.
e) evaluative criteria.
22. Chloe and Max are searching for a health club to join. This purchase will likely be affected by
___________ involvement.
a) low
b) internal
c) enduring
d) evoked
e) perceived
23. Temporary and dynamic factors that result from a particular set of circumstance a consumer
is facing when making purchase decisions characterize
a) enduring involvement.
b) extended problem solving.
c) selective exposure.
d) situational involvement.
e) selective retention.
24. The three most widely recognized types of consumer problem solving are:
a) limited problem solving, extended problem solving, and routinized response behavior.
b) extended problem solving, enduring problem solving, and situational problem solving.
c) planned problem solving, impulse buying, and limited problem solving.
d) internal problem solving, external problem solving, situational behavior.
e) responsive behavior, planned behavior, and impulsive problem solving.
25. While shopping at a Kroger grocery store, Tom sees a display of his favorite brand of diet
cola. He buys a six-pack to take home for the weekend. This purchase process would be described as
a) routinized response behavior.
b) extended problem solving.
c) limited problem solving.
d) situational perception.
e) enduring involvement.
26. Which of the following consumer problem-solving processes will probably be used in
purchasing toothpaste?
a) Extended problem solving
b) Routinized response behavior
c) Intensive problem solving
d) Limited problem solving
e) Perceptual scanning
27. Which product listed would most likely be purchased through routinized response behavior?
a) Car
b) Desk
c) Shirt
d) Soft drink
e) Television set
28. Which of the following buying situations is most consistent with routinized response
a) Ian buying his first pair of basketball shoes
b) Molly buying a new set of tires for her car
c) Aaron buying a new fishing rod and reel
d) Stephanie buying bottled water
e) Bryan buying a new software program
29. Stacy is going to the store to buy a gallon of milk. She will most likely use ___________ in
her consumer decision-making process.
a) routinized response behavior
b) limited problem solving
c) extended problem solving
d) perceptual scanning
e) evaluation of alternatives
30. Routinized response behavior is what a consumer does when
a) purchasing an unfamiliar product.
b) buying frequently purchased, low-cost items that need little effort.
c) an information search is extensive and may involve consulting with friends and family.
d) buying products that require a moderate amount of time for information gathering and
e) he or she enters the problem recognition stage of the consumer buying decision process.
2. How does the level of involvement affect the type of consumer problem-solving process that
a person uses?
3. What can marketers do to reduce cognitive dissonance in a consumer who has just
purchased an expensive product?
4. Draw and label the consumer buying decision process and include the possible influences on
the process.
5. Why is it important for marketers to recognize the stages that a consumer goes through in
making a purchase decision?
6. Identify and describe the five major categories of situational influences.
7. In what ways can situational influences affect the consumer buying decision process?
8. Discuss how perceptual processes may influence the consumer buying decision process.
9. What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs? How does it apply to the consumer buying decision
10. Why are consumer attitudes an important issue for marketers to study? Can attitudes be
changed easily by marketers? Explain.
11. In what ways does an individual's personality affect his or her buying behavior?
12. Discuss how reference groups and opinion leaders influence purchase behavior.
13. How does an individual's social class influence the products he or she buys?
14. Why is it important for marketers to understand the cultural and subcultural influences that
may affect the consumer buying decision process?
15. Compare and contrast the three major ethnic subcultures in the United States.
16. How have subcultures changed in the United States since 1990? How are the expected to
change in the upcoming years?
17. Abercrombie & Fitch is developing a program to get to know its customers. Which of the
following is not a reason why A&F needs to understand consumer buying behavior?
a) customer's reactions to marketing strategy can impact the firm's success
b) all customers are the same when it comes to buying behavior
c) a firm should create a marketing mix that satisfies customers
d) it helps the marketer predict how consumers will respond to marketing strategies
e) the marketing concept stresses that a firm should know its customers
18. Purchasers who intend to use or benefit from the purchased product and do not buy
products for business purposes are called the
a) ultimate consumers.
b) end-use consumption group.
c) business market.
d) household purchasing group.
e) organizational market.
19. Many aspects of consumer buying decisions are affected by the individual's level of
involvement. Level of involvement is
a) the importance and intensity of interest in a product in a particular situation.
b) the buyer's perception, motives, and abilities.
c) the amount of external search that an individual puts into the decision-making process.
d) the particular circumstance or environment in which consumers find themselves.
e) a combination of an individual's demographic factors.
20. Justin is purchasing his third car in the past five years. He has been a car enthusiast ever
since he was a little boy. He likes to spend his free time looking at car magazines, going to car
shows, and watching NASCAR. Justin's interest in cars is referred to as
a) situational involvement.
b) dynamic involvement.
c) enduring involvement.
d) dynamic buying behavior.
e) situational buying behavior.
21. A major determining factor in deciding which type of problem-solving process should be
used depends on the individual's intensity of interest in a product and the importance of the product
for that person. This is known as an individual's
a) motivational structure.
b) routinized response behavior.
c) level of involvement.
d) cognitive dissonance.
e) evaluative criteria.
22. Chloe and Max are searching for a health club to join. This purchase will likely be affected by
___________ involvement.
a) low
b) internal
c) enduring
d) evoked
e) perceived
23. Temporary and dynamic factors that result from a particular set of circumstance a consumer
is facing when making purchase decisions characterize
a) enduring involvement.
b) extended problem solving.
c) selective exposure.
d) situational involvement.
e) selective retention.
24. The three most widely recognized types of consumer problem solving are:
a) limited problem solving, extended problem solving, and routinized response behavior.
b) extended problem solving, enduring problem solving, and situational problem solving.
c) planned problem solving, impulse buying, and limited problem solving.
d) internal problem solving, external problem solving, situational behavior.
e) responsive behavior, planned behavior, and impulsive problem solving.
25. While shopping at a Kroger grocery store, Tom sees a display of his favorite brand of diet
cola. He buys a six-pack to take home for the weekend. This purchase process would be described as
a) routinized response behavior.
b) extended problem solving.
c) limited problem solving.
d) situational perception.
e) enduring involvement.
26. Which of the following consumer problem-solving processes will probably be used in
purchasing toothpaste?
a) Extended problem solving
b) Routinized response behavior
c) Intensive problem solving
d) Limited problem solving
e) Perceptual scanning
27. Which product listed would most likely be purchased through routinized response behavior?
a) Car
b) Desk
c) Shirt
d) Soft drink
e) Television set
28. Which of the following buying situations is most consistent with routinized response
a) Ian buying his first pair of basketball shoes
b) Molly buying a new set of tires for her car
c) Aaron buying a new fishing rod and reel
d) Stephanie buying bottled water
e) Bryan buying a new software program
29. Stacy is going to the store to buy a gallon of milk. She will most likely use ___________ in
her consumer decision-making process.
a) routinized response behavior
b) limited problem solving
c) extended problem solving
d) perceptual scanning
e) evaluation of alternatives
30. Routinized response behavior is what a consumer does when
a) purchasing an unfamiliar product.
b) buying frequently purchased, low-cost items that need little effort.
c) an information search is extensive and may involve consulting with friends and family.
d) buying products that require a moderate amount of time for information gathering and
e) he or she enters the problem recognition stage of the consumer buying decision process.

Solution: question_key_6dec - Answer