Purdue EF310 2022 June Unit 5 Assignment Latest

Question # 00825669 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 06/10/2022 10:15 PM Due on: 06/11/2022
Subject Health Care Topic General Health Care Tutorials:
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EF310 Current Trends in Exercise and Fitness

Unit 5 Assignment

Unit Outcomes addressed in this assignment:

Describe the transtheoretical model (TTM) and stages involved in healthy behavior change.

Identify barriers to exercise and recommend solutions to promote the adoption or maintenance of regular exercise.

Course Outcome addressed in this assignment:

EF310-3: Demonstrate understanding of transtheoretical model of change (TTM) and identify motivational strategies and techniques for maintaining or increasing physical activity.

Assignment Background

Before you prescribe an exercise program to a client, you must assess the client’s level of readiness for change and barriers to exercise. By determining a client’s barriers and making recommendations based on TTM, you are better able to provide clients with the tools and support to be successful.


For this assignment, you will conduct two assessments. The first will be a self-assessment, and the second will be on an adult client of your choosing. Your assignment must address all topics outlined below and must be in APA format and utilize references. The expected length is approximately 3–4 pages.

Assignment Directions:

Part 1: TTM Self-Assessment

Identify your current stage of change (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, or maintenance) in regards to exercise based on Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Be sure to address both aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening in your discussion.

When it comes to exercise, do you consider yourself motivated? If you are not currently exercising, are you motivated to increase your activity level?

Identify at least two barriers you currently face with regards to exercising regularly. If you are not facing any current barriers, identify at least two barriers you may face in the future.

Identify a possible solution to each of the barriers you identified above. What strategies can you employ to either overcome the current barriers you face or prevent the identified barriers in the future? The goal is to overcome barriers to either begin an exercise program or maintain your current exercise program.

Part 2: Client Assessment

To begin, select an adult you know to serve as your client for this assignment. The person should be an adult between the ages of 18–65. Please include the client’s age and gender in your discussion. Interview your client and then address the following in your assessment:

Identify their current stage of change (pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, or maintenance) in regards to exercise based upon Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Be sure to address both aerobic exercise and muscle strengthening in your discussion.

When it comes to exercise, does your client consider themselves motivated? If they are not currently exercising, are they motivated to increase their activity level?

Identify at least two barriers the client currently faces with regards to exercising regularly. If they are not facing any current barriers, identify at least two barriers they may face in the future.

Identify a possible solution to each of the barriers you identified above. What strategies can you suggest to the client to help them overcome the current barriers they face or prevent the identified barriers in the future? The goal is to overcome barriers to either begin an exercise program or maintain their current exercise program.


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