UOP HSN476 2022 June Discussions Latest (Full)

HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management
Week 1 Discussion
A Life Is Priceless
Do you agree with Milken's view and his argument that a life is priceless? Why or why not? Support your position by citing professional literature from at least 2 outside references.
HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management
Week 2 Discussion
Healthcare: Right or Privilege
Think of a situation in which the Triple Aim framework could help you adapt to changes in the delivery of patient care. How could you use the framework to reduce the per capita cost of healthcare in your own work environment to better align the needs of your organization with 21st century healthcare practice? Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when an ethical or legal dilemma impacted your organization. Support your position by citing at least 2 outside references.
HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management
Week 3 Discussion
Payment Models, Resource Allocation, and Cost Containment
What is the relationship between patient advocacy and controlling costs? Can you do both? Support your position by citing at least 2 outside references.
HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management
Week 4 Discussion
Ethics and Healthcare Reform
Do you believe there is a failure or success of capitalism in healthcare?
Support your position by citing at least 2 outside references.
HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management
Week 5 Discussion
Healthcare System Change
What is one change you think needs to be made in the current healthcare system?
Support your position by citing at least 2 outside references.

Solution: UOP HSN476 2022 June Discussions Latest (Full)