UOP HSN476 2022 June Week 5 Assessment Latest

Question # 00825558 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 06/08/2022 10:08 PM Due on: 06/09/2022
Subject Health Care Topic General Health Care Tutorials:
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HSN476 Healthcare Policy And Financial Management

Week 5 Assessment

Operations and Policy

Exam Content

In this assessment, you will put your critical thinking skills to work as you develop a position statement on a current healthcare issue.

This assessment will demonstrate the importance of using critical thinking in the operation of healthcare facilities. Choose a current issue that reflects the political point of view of either one of the political parties, Republican or Democrat. 

You are scheduled to testify at your state legislature regarding this issue. Develop a position statement that argues your point of view of the issue. 

You can choose to upload a video position statement, which will be shared with your audience, or you may wish to submit a written statement that will be shared before your live testimony.

Cite a minimum of 3 APA-formatted peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years that support your positions.

Format your assignment as one of the following: 

430-word paper (must be in Word format)

Video presentation (18-20 min long)

An annotated PowerPoint presentation (must be at least 10 slides not including the title or reference slides


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00821014 Posted By: solutionshare7 Posted on: 06/08/2022 10:11 PM
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