Management question bank

Question # 00003916 Posted By: msmonopoly Updated on: 11/22/2013 08:26 PM Due on: 11/28/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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1. (TCO 1) Which of the following correctly lists all of the basic management functions? (Points : 5)
Planning and decision making, organizing, leading, and controlling
Planning, decision making, organizing, and controlling
Planning and decision making, leading, and organizing
Decision making, controlling, leading, and coordinating
Managing, leading, directing, staffing, and evaluating

2. (TCO 2) The degree to which an organization is impacted by or involved in businesses in other countries refers to its (Points : 5)
political/legal dimension.
international environment.
economic dimension.
sociocultural dimension.
general environment.

3. (TCO 3) Many counties and municipalities across the United States have passed laws requiring no smoking in bars and restaurants. Owners who pressure bartenders and waiters to sell to people who are smoking in order to keep profits high are taking a(n)_____ stance toward social responsibility. (Points : 5)

4. (TCO 4) Which of the following is usually the first type of international business in which a company gets involved? (Points : 5)
Licensing strategy
Joint venture
Importing/exporting strategy
Direct investment
Global sourcing

5. (TCO 5) When dealing with the strategic planning for an organization, the _____ is the single most important individual in the planning process. (Points : 5)
chief executive officer
chief legal counsel
head of planning task force
chief financial officer
vice president of planning

6. (TCO 6) Identify the statement that is TRUE when comparing large and small businesses. (Points : 5)
Big businesses outnumber small businesses by a wide margin.
Tax policies favor medium-sized businesses.
Small businesses show consistently lower financial performance than big businesses.
Business success creates jobs regardless of size.
Small business formations are on the decline, but the rate for big businesses is increasing.

7. (TCO 1) What are the functions of a manager? If you had to pick one as being the most important function, which would it be and why? (Points : 10)

8. (TCO 2) Explain the differences among mergers, acquisitions, and alliances. (Points : 10)

9. (TCO 3) How is an individual’s ethics determined? Explain. (Points : 10)

10. (TCO 4) What are the connections between GATT and the WTO? Explain the role of the WTO. (Points : 10)

11. (TCO 7) Briefly describe the behavioral model of organizational design. (Points : 10)

12. (TCO 4) Identify and describe three different ways that a firm can go global. (Points : 15)

13. (TCO 5) What are the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation? (Points : 15)

14. (TCO 6) Describe three major important roles of entrepreneurship in the American economy. (Points : 15)

15. (TCO 7) In what ways are virtual and learning organizations different from the typical organization? (Points : 15)
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  1. Tutorial # 00003697 Posted By: msmonopoly Posted on: 11/22/2013 08:27 PM
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