Columbia Southern MBA 5101 Unit II Assessment

Question # 00003356 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 11/10/2013 11:02 AM Due on: 11/19/2013
Subject Business Topic Management Tutorials:
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Question 1

  1. Pick a company or organization, preferably the organization or company for which you work. (If you choose to write about a company other than your employer, please make sure it is one that has easily accessible information.) In your opinion, how well is the company or organization’s present strategy working? What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of the organization? Please include at least two points per each SWOT category. How strong, if applicable, is the company’s competitive position? What strategic issues does this organization/company face in the next year? Next five years?

Question 2

  1. Pick a company or organization, preferably the organization or company for which you work. (If you choose to write about a company other than your employer, please make sure it is one that has easily accessible information.) What is the organization? What is its primary business or services? Tell us about the industry and its competition. What is the organizational mission or purpose of the organization that you selected? How would you characterize the organizational culture? What are the primary strategic objectives or long range plans for the organization?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00003242 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 11/12/2013 01:15 AM
    Puchased By: 3
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