Discussion - Analysis of communication plans for public health issues

Question # 00845877 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/17/2023 08:47 PM Due on: 09/18/2023
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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analysis of communication plans for public health issues.

You may select one of two topics below for your focus:

1) Opioid addiction crisis (could include addiction, treatment, recovery, overdose, etc.)

2) Updated COVID-19 vaccine

For this assignment, I want you to locate a press release or other informational message about your topic. I recommend something from the CDC or a state or local health department. Don't look for commentary or original research, but rather, the official public health messaging that is communicating something about the topic to a particular audience.

Include a link to the communication in your sources. In no more than one double spaced page, briefly examine what is covered in this communication. Who do you perceive as the audience? Do you feel that they have appropriately targeted an audience? What critiques do you have of the messaging? What might you do differently? Have they appropriately planned for this messaging or does it feel rushed out? Any and all critiques are encouraged, within one page.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00841345 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 09/17/2023 08:48 PM
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