A description of pain can differ from person to person

Question # 00845171 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 08/27/2023 08:30 PM Due on: 08/28/2023
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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A description of pain can differ from person to person. What may be excruciating pain for patient A could easily be minor pain for patient B.

Compare your opinion to pain verses the textbook's description of pain. Provide what your definition of pain is. Provide an example of what is extremely painful to you versus a pain level of one to you.

Pain to me is anything that causes physical or mental pain or anguish. For example, a sprained ankle to me is a pain level of 10. A stress headache is a pain level of 3 to me.


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  1. Tutorial # 00840638 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 08/27/2023 08:30 PM
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