Discussion about carbohydrates - Determine the magnitude

Question # 00845338 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 08/31/2023 10:33 PM Due on: 09/01/2023
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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Discussion about carbohydrates

2-43. Determine the magnitude of the resultant force and its direction, measured counterclockwise from the positive  x axis. Discussion board : Carbohydrate

In chapter 4 (The carbohydrates) you have learned about the importance of carbohydrates in a number of facets. However, unlike proteins, carbohydrates continue to be perceived as a “bad food” in the diet. Individuals believe that carbohydrates are the main cause of diabetes and obesity, and they may go to a great length to “avoid” carbohydrates. Discuss the fallacies in this thinking and what is the evidence for and against this accusation. In your answer you need to:

· List the different types of carbohydrates and their food sources?

· Discuss the role of different types of carbohydrates in obesity and diabetes.

· Identify two sources of unhealthy carbohydrates (food or beverage) in your diet and replace them with healthy carbohydrates.

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