Discussion 3 - Ethical models and perspectives

Question # 00831506 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/22/2022 03:36 AM Due on: 09/22/2022
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Discussion 3

Posting #3 Ethical models and perspectives

Ethical perspectives provide a variety of orientations describing how people choose to respond to what is right. Considering your readings, 

  1. Choose one of the models or perspectives on ethics discussed by Johnson (Chapter 5). Explain the reasons for your selection. Clearly describe why it fits your professional field.
  2. We all have someone that we admire as an example of ethical character and leadership. Share who you consider as an example of ethical leadership and the reasons for your selection. 

TEXT BOOK- Johnson, C. (2018). Meeting the ethical challenges of leadership. Casting light or shadow (7th edition). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.

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