Devry BUSN319 2021 September Discussions Latest (Full)
BUSN319 Marketing
Week 1 Discussion
Strategic Marketing Process?
As we are learning this week, environmental scanning is critical to understanding the internal impact of events occurring outside of the organization. Select one of the five environmental forces (social, economic, technological, competitive, and regulatory), discuss an actual trend that fits into that particular environmental force, and describe the marketing opportunity it creates.
BUSN319 Marketing
Week 2 Discussion
Understanding the Market and Consumer Behavior
Visit the U.S. Census website at (Links to an external site.). What information can you find that will help you to estimate the size of the market for your Course Project product? What demographics can you learn about potential buyers that will help you target the addressable market, such as age, gender, income, education, and so forth?
BUSN319 Marketing
Week 3 Discussion
Research, Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
Discuss how marketers use primary data and secondary data, and provide some examples. Feel free to help your classmates by sharing sources you've found while working on your Course Project!
BUSN319 Marketing
Week 4 Discussion
Product Life Cycle
Discuss why it's important to test new products prior to launch, and provide an example of a type of product and the testing it likely passes through.
Solution: Devry BUSN319 2021 September Discussions Latest (Full)