Cool Cat Inc. is a leading manufacturer in the high-end sunglasses industry

Cool Cat Inc. is a leading manufacturer in the high-end sunglasses industry, reaching record revenue levels of more than $350 million last year. Cool Cat Inc is currently deciding on the possibility of implementing an ERP system to help decrease production costs and increase inventory control. Many of the executives are nervous about making such a large investment in an ERP system due to its low success rates.
As a senior manager at Cool Cat Inc., you have been asked to prepare a presentation to present to your colleagues of the potential benefits and risks associated with implementing an ERP system, along with your recommendations for the steps the company can take to ensure a successful implementation. Be sure also to explain why ERP systems include CRM and SCM components and the advantages the company can gain by implementing all of the components for a connected corporation.
Your presentation should be 5 to 7 slides and include references from your research.
Required Elements of the Cool Cat assignment |
Responses that reflect your understanding of the potential risks and benefits associated with implementing an ERP system, Your recommendations for the steps the company can take to ensure a successful Implementation. Explain why ERP Systems include CRM and SCM components and the advantages of implementing all of the components |
Presentation is visually appealing includes graphics, design, animation/transitions, etc. |
Presentation includes APA format and references |

Solution: Cool Cat Inc. is a leading manufacturer in the high-end sunglasses industry