Assignment - Capital Purchase Justification

Question # 00849578 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/10/2024 10:28 PM Due on: 01/11/2024
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Capital Purchase Justification Assignment

Write a justification to your vice president for an equipment capital purchase, explaining why the purchase would be a good investment for the hospital. This capital purchase could be the replacement of an existing piece of equipment or an investment in a new piece of equipment that will expand the current services offered.

Include a one-page executive summary for your proposal within your essay.

The essay should be 1,200-1,400 words and include the following points:

1. Discuss how you would locate competitive vendors for the proposed capital purchase. Explain the process you might undertake to negotiate for the best price and discuss how you would contract the approved vendor for their services.

2. Discuss the facility considerations involved in obtaining this new piece of equipment. Is it a capital replacement or a new strategic capital purchase?

3. Justify the purchase and why it will be a good investment by evaluating the return on investment (ROI). Explain how it will meet organizational priorities and capital investment goals.

4. Explain the operating costs you would take into consideration when making the purchase.

5. Explain if you would fund the purchase or finance it. What would be the funding sources or financial mechanism to support this purchase (for example, selling shares in your facility or voting on a bond)?

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